Photo by Gienn carstens-peters from unsplash

9 to 5 work is contemporary slavery. Your independence is greatly limited by your employment. Freedom is the opposite of servitude. Nobody that I know who works a 9–5 job is happy, in my opinion. A 9 to 5 work drains you of your vitality. A career is not a means to achievement. That path leads to mediocrity.

The most valuable thing you have is time. Time is a problem, not an asset, with a 9 to 5 job. Time is not a renewable resource, in contrast to money. You pass away when your time on earth is up. No one has ever been able to break free from this reality. However, acting as though our time on earth is endless is a human frailty that corporations take full advantage of.

Everyone who works from 9 to 5 has the mantra, "Thank God It's Friday!" You pray for days to pass quickly from Monday through Friday. Life is passing by quickly when time passes quickly. There is a certain amount of time in which to live. You are practically wishing to die while working a 9 to 5 job.

Life doesn't start on a Friday and finish on a Monday. Instead of just two days, there are seven in a week. Which legislation did you violate in order to be imprisoned here? Were you meant to be a weekend soul-seller? Bars and nightclubs are full every Friday night. Isn't it awkward when someone else determines when you should be having fun? Isn't it a horrible deal to get two days in exchange for five days? Do you not feel duped? Furthermore, you don't have a lot of free time. The constant fear and anxiety of having to return to work is depressing, even on the weekends or on weekday evenings. There are no people that I know that are joyful on Sundays. Even if you have the day off, the knowledge that you must report back to work the following day consumes you from the inside out.

You also need to take a long time to recover from your job. The time you lose in traffic is another issue. The time you spend stuck in traffic is not deducted by your company from your payable time. In addition, many occupations will need you to put in extra time. All in all, years and decades pass and you still can't seem to find enough time for your partner, family, children, and other interests. You are expected to give your one and only life to a stranger at your 9 to 5 work.

A poor performance evaluation, a downturn in the economy, offending the wrong people, your skills becoming outdated, the automation of your industry, and so forth. It's expected of you to give your all to a job where you could be fired for circumstances beyond your control. You have some influence over how well you perform at work, but other than that, all else is out of your control. There is also doubt about how fair performance reviews are. A select group of individuals have the power to move, degrade, or dismiss you. If you're fortunate enough to be promoted, you'll receive a pitiful wage increase along with more responsibilities.

It is not intended for a 9 to 5 work to make you wealthy. You labour to enrich your employer. Economics dictates that the labourer receives subsistence pay and the entrepreneur keeps all profits. Although you can raise your compensation above the survival wage by obtaining degrees and abilities, that won't go you very far. There is limited action you can take when the system is set up to provide you a survival salary. Pay increases are restricted. Have you ever heard of someone receiving a salary increase of 1,000%? You will only receive a meagre 3% rise, if you're lucky, even if you work extremely hard in your own time and earn a master's degree in your profession. Furthermore, your salary will have your tax payment neatly deducted from it before you even touch it.

You won't become wealthy from your work unless you are a Fortune 500 CEO, professional athlete, singer, entertainer, or actress. Your chances of winning the lotto are higher than your chances of getting famous. Being poor makes early retirement unattainable. Life should be experienced when one is still young enough to enjoy it, not when one is too old. In fact, many people discover that their lack of funds forces them to continue working past the age of retirement. Employee hierarchy has been shown to increase stress levels in the workplace. You will be more stressed out the lower you are in the hierarchy.

For small things like getting your kids registered for school, seeing the doctor, or getting caught in traffic, you have to ask for permission like a dog. It's completely degrading for a mature male. People will assume you are lying even if you are truly ill in order to get out of working. Your bosses are watching you all the time. Every error you make is properly documented so that it can be used against you later. Strong systems in life already exist to penalise you for your errors. A job gives you more opportunities to be punished. It is expected of you to always perform well. You could receive a warning after just one week of indolence, even if you labour diligently for 51 weeks.

It is unhealthy for your muscles, bones, and posture to spend all day in a chair. The human body is not meant for prolonged sitting. To relieve the burden of work-related stress, many people turn to drugs and alcohol, which isn't good for their health. Additionally, 9 to 5 work leaves little willpower or time for exercising. After a long day at work, going to the gym requires a lot of willpower. A company should never rely on individuals because doing so exposes the company to the whims of its workers. The company's CEO is also replaceable. They don't want you to be completely dependent on you, no matter how hard you work. You are aware of how quickly you may be replaced. You are just a figure on your employer's balance sheet. He wants to automate everything you do in order to reduce your wage or eliminate you entirely. You will be let go as soon as your cost to the firm outweighs the value you bring.

You don't own the work you produce at a 9 to 5 job. The boss owns all of the work you do. You cease earning money the instant you quit working. Perhaps you worked on an amazing project for years. Perhaps what you produced was excellent. Not important. Even after you quit your employment, the fruits of your labour will still be produced; however, your boss will harvest them. Labour specialisation is how a corporation increases its productivity. Recall that you are merely a gear. Your work-related experience will be restricted to your specific role. In the real world, earning money involves many different specialised skills. For this reason, when an employee loses their job, they are saddened. He understands deep down that the knowledge he gained from his work will not enable him to support himself financially, so he begins frantically searching for another position where he can use his specialised knowledge to generate money.

Launching your own company is the best way to escape all of this suffering. Although difficult, it is worthwhile. Getting a job is the other alternative, and as you can see, it will undoubtedly make you sad.

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