Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
Hypothetically let's imagine you had a magic baton that if you jiggle, shows a picture of your future. Would you accept it or toss it away? I believe for a fact that there is an existence of 2 kinds of people in this world: people who make things ensue, and the rest who pause for things to occur. The people who decide things to happen will twirl the magic wand, have a chuckle, and gait away. To come and embark on their next adventure, scared or not! They see a picture of what they want and where they are heading to. Others who are waiting for things to occur will instantly pull it over in 5 seconds; an entire lifetime of events would patent themselves on. Do you contemplate happiness out of it?
I have graduated over time that singing it safe is just a deception because our living is not exactly that. You can't grow if you don't risk your decisions; you don't learn unless you fail! Having control over your life, irrespective of the happenings around takes you to the next step altogether. I hope everybody has that push within to achieve great heights, to form incredible stuff that will have life over the clock. But many fall because it's tough but fails to think that it's not impossible! Waiting for the right moment isn't any wrong but resting your bum reasoning it out is the fault. Right opportunities never fall on your lap, except for a few blessed souls out there! All time's right when you kick-start your work. Don't pause for gears to be faultless, because they never are!
Les Brown once quoted,
"You don't have to be great to get started but you have to get started to be great."
Perfection is purely an impression we create to fake things that aren't realistic. In turn, we begin to feel optimistic waiting for the perfect time to knock in. The most efficacious persons I encountered weren't with a silver spoon but were ironic in passion and fiery in their priorities. These potentials will take you places than any-other currency will. In short, passion gets you what you want and it doesn't matter whether you have a silver spoon or a stolen one! All that pops from the heart is frank and this paves possibilities. Passion gives wings to your dreams and the energy for your vision to fly. When you become passionate about what you do, you discover it to be possible. Your wings will break the fences to achieve it since true legitimacy flourishes from there!
Working hard and trusting one is the only mantra that makes you successful. Don't idle your time deciphering the precise formula because it doesn't lie anywhere. In short, counting your sweat eventually bears fruit. Never giving up on what you need is also vital. Being adamant about your dreams is one other quality that many innovators have. Self-Confidence blooms from within and it's an art of appreciating who you truly are. Realizing you are the only one to trust you, it doesn't take miles to reach the bar! Irrespective of the innumerable voices you hear, the only voice you have to listen to is ultimately yours.
Recognize you are fit to accomplish everything and anything you want. Again, there is a wall of difference between being confident and super-confident. Super confidence destroys the fire within you and flies you into your fairy tale. Being confident ignites the fire and keeps you on the grass; learn the difference, my friend! Self-confidence is about competing with me and super confidence is competing with your fellow-mate, choose wisely! Follow your instincts they are never wrong! People like Dai Greene, Danny Glover, and Vladimir Lenin had one thing in common that's being focused on their mark. Do you think they had no blocks? No distractions? All of them are warriors from Epilepsy!
Nadal once quoted, he exactly identifies where his next service will be, a time before it starts. He said,
"Losing is not my enemy, fear of losing is my enemy"
Save your visions to yourself, your validation is of prior importance! Your conscious knows what you slay at and what gives you satisfaction, don't lose the trail of that voice. Play that game till it's bored of losing to you!
Remember only dead fish goes with the flow. - Unknown philosophy