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Compensatory off or comp off is a term used to refer to the additional leave provided to employees in lieu of extra working hours or working on a holiday or a weekly off. The provision of compensatory off is a crucial part of the labor laws in India. It can help boost employee productivity, morale, and job satisfaction. In this article, we will provide you with details on the rules and policy guidelines for compensatory leave in India.

What is Compensatory Off Leave?

Compensatory leave, also known as compensatory time off, is a type of leave provided to employees in exchange for working extra hours. It can also be provided to employees who work on a public holiday or a weekly off. The duration of compensatory off is equal to the number of extra hours worked. For instance, if an employee works for two hours extra, they can avail of two hours of compensatory leave.

Compensatory Off Policy:

The policy for compensatory leave in India is governed by various laws, including the Factories Act, the Shops and Establishments Act, and the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act. Here are some policies and guidelines on compensatory leave in India:

  1. An employee is eligible for compensatory leave only if they have worked for more than the prescribed working hours.
  2. The duration of compensatory off is equal to the additional hours worked.
  3. The compensatory off leave should be availed within a stipulated period, usually within the same month or the next month.
  4. In some cases, the employer may provide compensatory off in lieu of overtime pay.
  5. The employer may deny compensatory leave if they deem it detrimental to the business operations.

How to Utilize Compensatory Off?

An employee can utilize their compensatory off leave by following the company policy and guidelines. Usually, the employee needs to inform their superiors or employer in advance of their intention to avail of compensatory off. The duration of the compensatory off leave should not hamper the business operations.


Compensatory off is an essential aspect of labor laws in India. It provides employees with the chance to balance their work-life and enjoy time off work. Employers who implement a well-defined policy for compensatory off can ensure employee satisfaction and a boost in productivity. By following the guidelines for compensatory off provided in this article, both employees and employers can benefit from increased job satisfaction and motivation.

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