Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash
How it feels to be loved? How it feels to be the chosen one? How it feels to be taken care of by someone special?
I don’t know! Do you?
Craving for love, attention, affection, validation, acceptance, happiness we all are looking for this. Every day it's a struggle to survive in this hard world. Do you also feel the same as if everything is a threat to you?
Inner child wounding is a common problem nowadays and the most surprising thing is that most of us don’t even know that we are suffering!!!! It feels like there is a pain but when we look we can’t find the bruise because it's so deep!! Far away from our naked eyes.
Things go back to the childhood when we were young, innocent, full of passion, and with that belief that the world is a beautiful place where everybody is good just because WE ARE GOOD!!!! How innocent.
Hormones are rushing so as the music, these days after listening to Arijit Singh who on earth cannot feel the emotions and love? With these thoughts, we all searched for that true love, that pure pious loyal love found in the great mythological stories of Ram Sita, Mata Parvati and Shiv, and Radha Krishna but were unable to find it because that doesn’t exist in humans!
May be it's shocking but that’s true that the immortal love that we all are looking for in each other simply doesn’t exist. We are empty inside, we are continuously finding it outside but I swear 11 years of experience and still I cannot find it. Every human being I meet whether it's a friend, teacher, father, mother, men I see them empty. We all are so conditioned since childhood, to look for love outside us that now as adults, we are completely deprived of love resulting in craving for that care and affection from others everyday.
But things go back to childhood where all the problems started, at that young age with no knowledge of the hard world we looked for love from that one person who meant the world to us but in reality, it turned out to be the worst nightmare slowly we forgot our hobbies, passion, career, health because the mind is now programmed to look just for love and validation from others and keep making fake scenario so that we can feel loved.