Photo by Tara Clark: Pexels

Let me ask you a question.

1. What should be the aim of the food industry? (restaurants, hotels, etc) 

Providing food to the hungry?

But the irony is food industry is the reason why so many people sleep with empty stomachs.   

Let me explain... In parties, birthdays, anniversaries, and marriages so much amount of food gets wasted because of it inflates the prices of existing food ...and people do these things to maintain their image... but wasting food is also a sin. 

Another reason is they sell their food recipes and dishes at higher prices ...they add on in cost their expenses of electricity and rich decoration which is totally irrelevant to the food 

Due to higher prices or wastage, it inflates prices of food and poor people can not even afford the food!

2. Do you know what should be the aim of our cloth industry in general view?

Okay.. the cloth industry's aim must be to provide everyone with clothes.

But what if I say, "This cloth industry is snatching clothes from the poor." 

Let me explain... The cloth industry does advertisements, discount offers,  and many more things for sales promotion and due to this... people buy excessively...they buy what is in fashion or what is in discount...but in actuality, they don't think that... Do they actually need clothes?

In 80% of the cases, consumers buy clothes not because of need but because of advertisements and artificial demands created by marketing.

So because of this thing the prices of clothes rise and poor people can't afford it.

3. Let me ask you another question.

What must be the aim of the real estate industry?

The aim must be to provide everyone with a house or property.

But the irony is ...the big reason for not having houses for lower middle class or poor people is the real estate industry.

Because of their expensive or unethical means of making homes and overselling to rich people. The one who actually needs to purchase a house is homeless.

It inflates the prices of land, flats, and homes... it's not the only factor ...but the major factor is the real estate industry...and they will never focus on giving everyone shelter...they will always be focusing on making more profits...selling at higher prices.

4. Another question... 

What should be the aim of the Education industry?

The aim should be to give an idea of thinking to everyone and make anyone educated.

But the irony is that Education itself kills creative thinking...and the education system only favors those students who are intelligent and rich ...the student who is intelligent and poor ...can't even study in a big organization.....he can't even think about it ...if a student is dull in studies then he must be motived by teachers to do something other then studies or do studies better but in most of the cases teachers, students make fun of him. 

Ultimately, he gets depressed and he thinks he is a loser.

5. The last question.

What should be the aim of the finance industry..?

Providing financial services for creating wealth and secure lives...right?

But the irony is it creates poverty indirectly...

You have somewhere read the line "money attracts money"

So the point is the person who has money can only make more money...

Due to this, "rich gets richer poor gets poorer." 

Rich get richer by investing his/her money, and due to limited resources if rich people get richer then inflates prices then everything gets comparatively costly to the poor people.

"What is the solution to this problem ?? "

Here, industries are not a problem if they are a problem then we can't do anything about it because we need essential products for living life easily.

The solution is "need-based consumption"

If we decide collectively that, "We will only purchase food which is needed to me. We will only buy clothes, and shoes which are needed, we will only buy a property when we are in need, and industries must have some ethical boundaries.

We must collectively use resources effectively so that poor people also can afford resources.

It's not about money it's about resources.

Need-based consumption has the following benefits:

  1. Resources are limited... so it saves resources.
  2. It saves money for the consumer.
  3. It creates equality in society financially 
  4. It regulates the pollution of water, air, and any other type of pollution, etc. 

My father always says to me,

"If there is hunger for 3 breads, then only 2 should be eaten." 

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