Photo by TRIN WA on Unsplash
Reminiscing the periwinkles in front of my Preschool
The days when we all were fools
The Preschool teacher, the annual photo, the first snippet
Being nostalgic just for a minute
Treasuring my primary school years
The days when we had silly fears
The bruise on the knee, the only scar
Being nostalgic for an hour
Looking back to middle school
The days were spent trying to act cool
And insecurities somehow found way
Being nostalgic for a day
Cherishing high school time
Collecting partners in crime
Growing and learning with a lot of grunts
Being nostalgic for a month
Thinking back to the first day of college
Gathering knowledge turned into carnage
Competing with your peer
Being nostalgic for a year
Living in the yesteryears
Conjuring up all the fears
Blocking any future endeavor
Being nostalgic forever.
. . .