Photo by Jake Espedido on Unsplash

It was the rush of the hour. The ambulance had its sound spread through the place. It stopped hastily in front the of “feel” hospital. She was taken into the emergency ward without any waste of time. The doctors rushed in and sent her directly to the chamber of highest treatment named, ‘ silence’. Blood was flowing like anything and there seemed no hope even for something.

“What happened? the doc asked the person who came along with her.

“She had met with a major accident, I guess. She was bleeding through when I saw her beside the road and I wasted no time to bring her to the best hospital I know”

“Thanks for your effort. It really means a lot because as far as my trained eyes tell me, she had been hit really hard. So she had to be put into the chamber of silence, the most sophisticated chamber”

The doctor marched towards the chamber and the person waited there outside hoping for the best. He went to the washroom to clean the stains of blood of hers on his shirt.

Three hours passed.

 The doctor came with a face filled with stillness. The person rushed towards him and both knew the question which would jump out his mouth.

“It happened as expected. It's very sad for me to say but she was hit with the most dangerous thing…love”

“Oh my goodness, I had never thought of this, doc. But I should have understood by looking at the way she was bleeding. Nothing more than love could have done such damage”

“Yes, as per my diagnosis, there has been serious damage to two arteries directly supplying the heart. One, the artery of faith and other, the artery of bliss. These are among the main ones supplying the heart. And when both are damaged simultaneously, only the case of love remains. In no other emotion, these two be affected at the same time. I have seen many cases of injury to love but not as deep as this.

So the only way to temporarily save her life is to drain all blood of emotions out. Because if any drop of it remains in her, her heart would mourn upon it will stop beating very soon. But first of all, we should find such blood which could console her emotions and make her heart happy again. The artery of faith is cut completely but the artery of bliss is still intact but is severely damaged. The only thing we can do is to find a suitable blood which has a mixture of emotions which suits her. Her faith can never be regained but she can be happy again if the artery of bliss is repaired.

So till we get such blood, we have to keep her waves of emotion calm. So calm that her heart doesn’t get the memory of her love again. Therefore we have kept her in the chamber of silence since silence is the best to handle any emotion. But I do not know for how long her heart can sustain this silence. We are in search of that blood now, till then it’s in the hands of almightly.

“But, doctor how…how this could have happened”

“I cannot be hundred percent precise but through my experience I am sure that this is what might have happened”

“When I was operating on her, I had to slowly remove the layers of guilt, misery, and some stones of self-respect. These layers are not commonly seen in a common man. If it had to get accumulated in such a manner, it suggests that there has been a situation even before this love had hit. She had suffered even before. A love had left her in the middle of the road even before. A love which she had loved with eyes closed, had kept her close and finally closed her light of dreams. The texture of her skin beneath her eyes has a soft coating of common tears. And it’s the last coating.

Moreover, I found that all the small arteries were damaged…the one of affection, the one of passion, and many others. Even then she sustained only with the two main arteries. She has a brave soul. She is a brave soul, though wounded.

Now the thing that happened to her was, even the second time she had bravely let her emotions flow again. For a long time, she was very happy. All her blood was flowing with utmost enthusiasm. I could notice it in her breadth. It contained some of the remnants of her past glory. The glory which she had been experiencing till the recent date. But slowly here, her flow lost it’s momentum. All the drops could not reach the heart. She could slowly experience the pain but she ignored it. It grew and she kept on ignoring it. In this process, she made her self-respect into stone and kept it beneath. It was not what her body had decided, it was what she decided. It was very hard for her, but she did in the hope of the success of her love. So she had then decided to leave behind her self-respect. But these stones were not too deep. It was just a few layers beneath the skin. It shows that she truly didn’t want to make her self-respect as hard stone but that’s what she decided at the end of the road. So it was not close to her heart.

This time she had a blow which she didn’t expect. I cannot explain it in words. I just could not find her artery of expectations. Normally in such cases, I would first find the artery of expectations of the patients and treat it. It would make them feel better in the first place. But here, it was nowhere to be found. It was destroyed completely. So I said this as that case which I had never found. This present love of hers had left her in the middle of nothing. No forwards, no backward. Just complete darkness. It had left her without a reason, without her perception. I think she, even now doesn’t know the reason for the departure of her love.

 She was just…just drowned and doesn’t want anything but death. Her blood flowed out with her consent, her heart had suffered enough. I do not know for how long she would stay alive in this chamber of silence because in this case, all her heart needs is the silence after all. It would be the most satisfying place for it to stop. We are now finding the blood which her heart shall agree. But I shall not give up till the last moment to save her.

Some hours passed. Still, some passed. The doctor came running out of the chamber with tears flowing out and it’s each drop telling the story of his success.

“Sir, the girl is alive! she made it through… we made it through!!, we got the blood of emotions we needed”

The doctor had said these words but there was nobody there. The doctor searched for that man everywhere in the hospital but couldn’t find him. Then on his way back to the girl, he saw a dead body covered with white cloth being taken away. His eyes bulged out of shock and his hands started shivering.

It was from the same person who brought the girl to the hospital. There was a chit rolled in their hands which said, “ I was her first love. The one before this. I truly loved her. Only my blood could save her. Happy life to her…. His dead body moved away, giving life to her.

There was a clot in her heart which would always make her remember him, her lost love..her first love. He too had a clot in his heart, though never to beat again which made his heart smile even under buried soft soil.

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