Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
I was thirteen,
I saw a dream!
A boy walked in,
and his thoughts made my heart scream.
Felt so real or was it my own zeal?
Dream! Dream! Dream!
He fulfilled my dream.
Wherever I went; He was with Me,
Showed me my strength I couldn’t see.
Made me laugh,
Taught me love,
Told me, “You’re Stronger Than You Know,
and the Next American Dream”
I felt I was able to breathe,
And made me walk alone on the street.
The Quotes I wrote,
the songs I heard were suddenly all about HIM
Because he was MY DREAM!
Up from the Slumber,
Woke coz of the Thunder.
Realizing my feel was reel.
It was ME! MYSELF! and I!
A part of me that opened
my eyes. Taught me world coz I
was a girl who was never heard.
And that part taught me the WORD.
Now it’s 3 AM and it hits hard,
Didn't unfold as dream's regard.
But Boy! Oh, My Dear Boy!
Forever I am in LOVE
Because you made me achieve
The strength to chase my own decree,
For you to, setting me free.