Photo by Imat Bagja Gumilar on Unsplash

On the way down to my village
I came across a woodland
Thereupon tall and green
Erections deep went my glance.

To wake up the sleeping children
Busy was nature's windy hand
The leaves were whispering sweetly
It seemed the woods are in romance.

I was looking at the quivering
Wavering enchanting marvel in green
Memories of old childhood days
Came gathering round whole myself.

The visions of forgotten days
Went visiting my mind's screen
Woods behind my village house
I loved wandering as an elf.

How we kids around friendly trees
Loved to play, swing and swirl
What fun we had in stealing plums
From their leaves-laden hands.

Tittering maidens used to come
Each day before sun could come
To steal fresh flowers whom from
Birth on woods love and care has fed.

Near that silvery rill interrupting
The green stood a grand banyan tree
Whose caressing arms mostly rocked
To sleep travellers from far away.

Under his green plumes sometimes
Were seen two dreaming lovers free
Wheels of time showing no changing
Signs thus kept moving day by day.

One day came some strange men
When birds made excess chirping sound
We have bought this land to fulfills
Our plans one of them to us did say.

They attacked the woods with unjust
Strokes our woods fell prey to those
Ferocious wounds thus they removed
From the earth much of its wealth.

As we all watched in dismay
Barring few dry woods gone
Were all proud possessions
Of the stripped barren land.

The towering walls of those men tried
Tried utmost to conceal silent grievance
An age would come when for this deed
Nature would surely reprimand at a
Distance stood a cone of still wood
Cravings for the old romance begin.

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