Photo by Cristian Escobar on Unsplash

So the first thing is "What is the law of attraction". Like other laws of the world, the law of attraction is physical and spiritual. It doesn't matter whether you are moving or not, it acts on you. It is a law which no one can control, like the law of gravity. Whether you remember the law of gravity or forget it, it has acted on you. If you forget the law of gravity, it doesn't mean that you will start flying in the air, this is why whether you believe in the law of attraction or not, it works on you 24 hours a day and night.

This law states that we all are Human magnets. 90% of the event that happens in our lives are what we attract ourselves or 10% of natural calamities and natural disaster. The rest 90% of the events that happen in our lives, we attract them whether it is good news or bad news.

We often use these words good luck or bad luck, coincidence, by chance, etc..There is no good luck or bad luck, coincidence, by chance happens. Everything we attract ourselves is a combination of our thoughts and emotions. Whenever we think a thought there is an emotion associated with it or when our emotions are linked, then we send positive or negative vibrations.

Scientifically proven: It is proved in science that Whenever we think of any thought our brain emits an electromagnetic pulse which is called brain waves and thought waves. You can ask any doctor scientist,      or psychologist. They know that this thought has a unique frequency that can be measured. Yes, there is a power. So whenever these thought waves are released from one brain then they roam on the planet on their similar vibration nature i.e. similar nature frequency thought, people, situations, and circumstances when they find similar vibration match. It turns out that both frequencies activate the other one which produces Harmonic resonance. So our thoughts match with the frequency of our nature or do we attract good or bad? And some people say that this is a coincidence for example  Recently I just thinking about you and you suddenly came. In such a way it is not a coincidence that there is a vibration match if you think positive then you attract positive or vice versa for negative. That's why some people say whatever you are thinking you get it and you become what you think so always think positive then positive and goodwill happens to you 

Now how to use this? 

So the first step is your goal must be clear. What do you want in your life? it must be crystal clear. You know about your goal very clearly.

The second one is to write your goals according to the law of attraction, whatever is in your mind you focus on whatever is visible to you will automatically come to your mind again and again or will be your focus. Now write your most important goals whether it is relationship goals or financial goals, job goals, etc. Or whatever you want write it down clearly, after the writing goals paste them where you can see them everywhere like on phone wallpaper, on a laptop screen, on walls and so on that you can see yourself again or your desire becomes a burning desire or strong emotion are added so that you can release the strong waves.

The third step is visualization by closing your eyes and seeing that you have achieved your goals and visualize that you are happy, and everyone appreciates you when you come out of your visualization you are in the same emotion, you should be in the same flow like you achieved it in reality.

And the most important fourth step is Action. Take action towards your goals for for example there is a sportsman who is sitting in the restroom visualizing that he has achieved gold in the Olympics, but he is not going for the playing game on the ground, he is not doing any action, he is just visualizing that's why his concentration is on visualizing not on taking action therefore his action is not matching with his intention because of which his burning desire not created. UNIVERSE(God, divine powers, highest form of energy) will support you, create strategies, and ideas within you, and remove obstacles but action must match with your intention.

The last one is GRATITUDE: Always grateful to the Universe for whatever you are having in your life, for every little opportunity you get in your life thankful to the universe for every happiness and every joy in your life because whatever you are having now maybe not having to other people. So always shows gratitude to the universe. By using of law of attraction every problem will go away and your goals fulfilled if you work with a positive mindset miracles will happen to you everyday.

Stay Blessed, Positive, and Happy.

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