Photo by Monika Kozub on Unsplash
Periods, a very familiar and well-known term of women’s life. It’s recognition in the life of a woman is not just limited to term, it is a part of women and their recognition as a female sex. The journey of periods extends from teenage to adulthood and thus carries a vast phase of the life of a woman. It is that part of a stage of a woman’s life which covers it’s way from being ashamed to becoming prideful and from being cursed to the blessing of God. Every woman or girl whether they belong to teenage or adulthood must have a story followed with dread and despair on a common topic i.e. “my first periods ”. Time has changed, and generations have changed but the thing which is standing still to its base are the issues connecting their roots with this life-giving boon.
A woman is the mother of the society of mankind. Our motherland has the pride of being called a mother only because of women. The pride to be called a mother, the happiness of becoming a mother, and the desire for spreading love as a mother all can only be felt and understood by the human critter who goes through that immense pain which is equivalent to the breaking of 100 bones. A woman has always been considered a delicate creature by every other member of human society. From the very past of mankind, man has always been considered the saviour of this fragrant flower designed by Almighty. But the point to ponder over is what makes the woman tolerate the immense pain while giving birth to a new soul from her own soul. It comes from that boon which almighty has blessed only woman with and from that curse which she used to consider during her teenage i.e. periods. There are various questions and tags which used to make a home in the mind of every teenage girl having their first period i.e. Why me? Better to be a boy, Shame on being a girl, and many more. But the point to be noted is that God has always been a beautiful creator, he has created everything with a well-planned concept. He has made men physically tougher than women but has blessed her with periods to make her tough enough to tolerate the immense pain of pregnancy. She is delicate but still carries the capability to bear a new soul from the drops of her blood. It puts her status above other aspects of human society.
Very often I used to think that why mothers are so delicate hearted well fathers are tough in that aspect. Indirectly or directly the answer has its connection with the life-giving boon. Every child of a mother is a part of her soul and none can be hard and can resist their own soul. Every part of our body is like that seedling that has been nourished by our mothers to develop into a tree. The post of mother is similar to that of God on earth why do people curse that path which enables us and prepare us for being blessed as a mother? So stop blaming and cursing for having periods because it is proud of a girl as it takes us from being aordinary living beings to a position similar to God and grants us the power to make another soul from our drops of blood.