Photo by Ali Jouyandeh on Unsplash
Depression a common form of mental unhappiness, feeling sad or lonely or worthless, not to feel positive towards life. Feeling sad once in a while is very usual but if it continues for more than two weeks without any prior reason then it is a high chance to check yourself for depression.
Does depression show different symptoms for different age groups? The answer is yes, Depression can be different for adults, teenagers and kids. In this article i like to talk about how depression affects teenagers. Teenage (13-19 years of age) is a very tricky age and somewhat confusing to be honest because it’s a bridge between your childhood and adulthood. While going through different complex emotions and hormones can be little challenging to go through without any prior understanding can leads to depression or a kid going through any kind of sexual abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, and any kind of childhood trauma, lack of attention by his or her parents can lead to depression.
The symptoms of teenage depression include, More irritability, Having frequent stomach aches or headaches without any prior reason, feeling like a shit, not concentrating on anything, feeling worthless, being insecure, neglecting social presence that can lose interest in their usual activities, having increased appetite or no appetite at all, yelling without any reason, always preferring to be alone all the time.
Depression is regarded as a very serious mental health problem that needs to be taken care of. If you think your kid has been diagnosed with depression make sure you talk to them, if he or she is not willing to open up then book an appointment with your trusted psychiatrist for counseling. Mostly encourage your kid to open up their issues talk with them, make sure they are not ashamed to talk about their struggles. Statistics say that around 9.7 of teenagers are depressed around the world and every 1 in 7 persons are feeling depressed which affects their everyday lives. 3.2 million Teen people at least have one depressive episode in their lifetime.
Depression can generally provoke suicidal thoughts in any kind of age groups but having the thought of ending your life at the start of your adult life sucks, it truly sucks right cause you are like easily irritable, and nobody wants to be friends with you cause you are feeling worthless, feeling depressed, social anxiety is making you feel like you are different and you are not feeling good about yourself.
Depression leaves a scar on your soul forever but that doesn’t mean you have to live with it everyone born in this world deserves to be happy. So anyone fighting with depression please doesn’t be ashamed to get help. Talk with someone whom you really trust, or find a therapist or do some lifestyle changes, ignore negativities in your life. It’s fine to prioritise yourself even if you are called "selfish". And know that there is hope everyday and each day. If you are brave enough to end your life give that courage to give your life a shot it’s worth it.
Globally medications are there to diagnose depression therapy, counseling and antidepressants can help. Antidepressants are for the last stage of depression or if you can't stop your suicidal thoughts, at the beginning stage of your depression counseling can help and please note that to cure depression you should give your 100 percent efforts and be courageous enough to live your life. Just try little every day, don’t be ashamed to get help it’s not that you have to be tough every time.
Depression at any age group sucks, but having that at the age of dreaming and working hard for your dreams can leave a huge impact in your course of lifetime. Just know that there is always hope to begin, love to share and goals to achieve. Everyone should know that depression is a very serious mental health issue and it should be treated properly and people should be aware of that. Let's all destigmatize mental health problems and feel joyous to live our life because life is beautiful.