Photo by Anoushka Puri on Unsplash
Physics is considered as the branch of science that deals with the natural phenomenon and its energy. The basic eligibility to study physics is to have curiosity about everything and a little bit of common sense; it's a great form of science that deals with natural philosophy. And it deals with matter and energy. The first thing you ever learn while studying physics is "ENERGY CAN NEITHER BE CREATED NOR BE DESTROYED" it’s like the bible verse for a physics student. I think for me physics is the most basic science cause you don’t need to get in the lab or to refer thousands of books to know it, it starts from walking just to have a little curious about how it happens and wondering about it or to have a little curious to know why there is sound while thunderstorms? Or how a rainbow appears after a gloomy rainy day? Etc... Physics deals with a lot of natural phenomena and it depends greatly on mathematics known as the universal language.
The branches of physics include Astronomy, Astrophysics, Nuclear physics, Modern physics, Electronics and integrating circuits, Quantum Mechanics, Classical Mechanics, Biophysics, Solid State physics, Thermodynamics, Geophysics, Applied physics, and Electromagnetism. Astronomy and astrophysics deal with extra celestial matters and include space exploration, including the study of the physical universe and its dark matters. Nuclear physics deals with the reaction of the subatomic particles. Electronics and integrating circuits deals with the AC and DC currents and it paved the way to the discovery of IC circuits and transistor that gave way to the modern day technology. Quantum mechanics deals with microscopic particles and energy states while classical mechanics deals with macroscopic particles. Biophysics deals with the physics involved in the anatomy of living beings. Solid-state physics deals with the crystal structure of the elements. Thermodynamics deals with the heat and its energy and Electromagnetism deals with the magnetic field and electricity. Geophysics is for the study of the earth and its possessions.
SIR ISSAC NEWTON is known as the father of physics because of his contributions to physics and how he paved the way for the modern physics to flourish and how his fundamental laws of motion were helpful everywhere and it paved the way for greater invention and also gravity played a major role for any new invention. GALILEO GALILEI is known as the father of modern astronomy because it changed the perspective of the universe when he invented the telescope and put his view into space and humankind never looked back ever since. ALBERT EINSTEIN a phenomenal science person who gave us his theory of relativity and direct currents which plays a major role in the electronics field right now he contributed a lot to the field of quantum mechanics and did his research on subatomic particles; he paved the way for modern quantum theory.
NIKOLA TESLA is a rare science phenomenon who has phenomenal ideas to make science relatable, he is well known for his Alternating current electricity supply system in a home which really changed the way we carry electricity and it made electricity affordable. Having his laboratory burned down Nikola Tesla gave his life for physics and mathematics he loved. Analyzing his works, everyone found that he had some phenomenal ideas for physics and how he worked for it till the end of his life.
To conclude, physics is a very interesting subject phenomenally well confusing and challenging and extremely interesting to study. I have always been curious about everything so physics sounded like music to me you know this subject; will make you think you are a genius and stupid at the same time. There are a lot of branches that might take you out of the world and feel like you are in paradise sometimes and sometimes you have to put up with demons and it all will be totally worth it. So if you are ever being curious about anything about your life, please remember the laws of nature and motion.