Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay


Without women, life is like a desert. Women enlighten the world with their feelings and sensitivity. As per a study of one report, women have more emotions and feelings than men. Women are powerful and more mature than men. Women are adorable due to their creation of the world. A woman plays multiple roles in her whole life as a daughter, wife, daughter-in-law, mother, and always a good supporter.

Since women give birth and create the world that's why they are always adorable. Women can express feelings, affection, love, and many more emotions more easily than men. Positivity is always found more as compared to men. We can't imagine our life without nature; similarly, without women, life is impossible. Women are the backbone of every society, they are known for delivering multiple roles effortlessly every day. Women comprise around 50% of the country's population. Women's empowerment is valuable for the development and advancement of the nation. The government should provide various opportunities so that they can grow up. They should have proportional rights to contribute to the society, economics, education, and politics.

Strengthen the Women

Since women are powerful there is no question but in many areas due to male domination, they have to suffer a lot. To overcome the problems which are still happening in our society, there is a need to empower women. In India, there are already many problems in existence like poverty, pollution, employment, etc. One more problem is also in existence which is the exploitation of women. To control all the issues occurring in the society is required. Women are wise and powerful to do anything, but due to family problems and many issues happening to them, they feel weak themselves.

Future of India

India's economy is around 3.7 trillion and has the position of 3rd largest economy in the world. This economy can be enhanced with the help of women. Now the contribution of women in the Indian economy is not more than compared to men When this strength of women in the business world is increased then our economy will be on more rise. Women are the future of our country. Their development is necessary to empower them. There are two wheels of a cycle, one is unable to move the cycle ahead both wheels should have having same power to run the cycle, similarly to develop the country and to run the economy men and women should have equal rights and the same power, then future of India is secure.

Assistance of Society and Government

We say women should contribute to the economy to boost it up soon but we forget we are the people who stop them from working outside, society is a hurdle to their success and growth. Due to society, many women don't step out of their homes to start their something own. However, several women who have knowledge of starting their own ventures but lack support don't take any steps. Family pressure and many other personal issues stop them from moving towards their career. Society is not only a hurdle, it can be a supportive system when it starts thinking about women's careers. The Government is a strong pillar that supports women by providing financial support. Although the Government is facilitating them through financial support and via many schemes, the Government should also spread awareness of the happenings of fraud through awareness programs and know how to avail the benefits of all these schemes. Many women are unaware of all the government schemes and in lack of knowledge, they don't take steps ahead for their own startups.

Reservation For Women's Empowerment

Reservation for women is important for their future. India is a populated country where many people live in rural areas, and many women in rural areas are not aware about their rights. With the help of women's reservation, women can be a part of government departments and then they can raise their voice against women's exploitation and also can make several women aware towards using their rights, especially in rural areas where women are not more educated. To make the economy develop, their reservation in all the government departments is essential.


Women are god's beautiful gift, they are nice creations of god. Their contribution is precious. They are working towards society and giving their contribution. Women's empowerment is essential to make them successful in their lives. A flower is known for its beauty and fragrance, in the same way, a woman is known for her affection and sensitivity. Without love and affection life is like a dry river, for making the life beautiful woman is important and to make them happy, it is a responsibility of everyone. If they grow, the economy will definitely grow and will be more powerful.

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