“Don’t judge yourself by what others did to you.” — Cody Kennedy
I agree with this statement by Cody Kennedy. Every year rather every month 1 out 3 women in India are a victim of Domestic Violence. Violence in any form harms women and the saddest part is we are taught not to take any action as we should follow the norms of society. If any woman raises her voice regarding the violence then society mark her character. Domestic violence is deeply entrenched and widely prevalent in India. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) 2019 reports that a majority (30.9%) of all the 4.05 lakh cases under crimes against women are registered under Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The section deals with ‘cruelty by husband or his relatives. The NFHS-5 echoes the stark reality of domestic violence in India:- 44% of women in Karnataka have experienced violence, followed by Bihar (40%), Manipur (39.6), Telangana (36.9), Assam (32%), and Andhra Pradesh (30%). Lakshadweep (1.3%), Nagaland (6.4%), Goa (8.3%), and Himachal Pradesh (8.3%) have the lowest violence among all the states surveyed. Domestic violence has often been studied as an abusive expression triggered by financial stress, mental stress, fear, and of course, systemic patriarchy, which has furthered the cases of financial abuses, and at times, even murders.
Laws made on Domestic Violence are also not implemented anywhere in India. Every state police station has more than 10 Domestic Violence Cases filed pending as police officer say that it's just a fight between husband and wife that they can resolve behind closed doors. Indian women filed more domestic violence complaints than recorded but even this unusual spurt is only the tip of the iceberg as 86% of women who experience domestic violence do not seek help in India and 77% of the victims did not even mention the incident(s) to anyone. There have been cases of women being beaten by their fathers, brothers, mothers, sisters, or another family members. That many girls are coming up with reports of abuse by their native families is significant because, in India, it is taboo to criticize your elders,". It becomes serious only when the person dies or commits suicide. Domestic violence has adverse effects on a victim’s physical, psychological, and sexual health regardless of the type of violence experienced. The consequences of domestic violence last long after the violence has ended. Injuries, stress, and fear caused by domestic violence can lead to more chronic health problems, such as chronic pain, recurring central nervous system symptoms, and differential gastrointestinal symptoms and disorders. Domestic violence result in depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Victims of abuse also have co-occurring mental illnesses. A significant relationship between child abuse and different adult psychological disorders, including psychosis.
The law made for "THE PROTECTION OF WOMEN FROM DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Act, 2005" section 498 (A) should be implemented in a real sense if we want to make India a happy and crime-free country in the Global Happiness Index. Every district should have a women's protection cell where they can go and complain and get help. When a complaint is raised immediate investigation should be started.
If we want to save lives we should be serious with our rights. Educating the girls is very important regarding the laws.