Photo by Guillaume Bolduc on Unsplash

As I pondered over my path
my life had taken me from the start
full of twists and turns
which shook me deep within
I metamorphosed from a fledgling
to a bird of prey
who pecked all the negatives
out of her way
but wasnt without a fight
every day and every night
my path sometimes grew astray
but steered it with some advice along the way
Oh! My younger self
hear my words of wisdom
for my paths were
not smooth as butter
ridicule and disdain
were the staples fed to my soul
a cloak of inferiority
hung over my shoulders
shake those blues out
and sharpen your claws
for the world to see
be bold enough to make mistakes
be swift to take a stand
find compassion and kindness
in everything you see
take a leap of faith
to find the path
that will lead to the stars
search your soul
for the pieces that make you whole
count the stars
and conquer the sky
make the world a better place
forgive yourself for the sins of the past
live each day right from the start
have a clean slate
write your own story in each situation
illuminate the space you occupy
and be the guiding light
conquer your fear
never let it
make you lose your sight
of the power you want to be
go live your dreams
spread the wings of joy
and see your dreams
soar the sky!!

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