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Corona virus virus has had a negative impact on mental health. Moreover, it is not important to identify which factors modulate the stress response to the pandemic. Previously sense of coherence(SOC) has emerged as a particularly important resistance factor. Learning to cope with stress in a healthy way will make oneself, the people you care about and those around oneself become more resilient.
01) Losing a sense of smell and taste can be one of the most sure symptoms of corona virus and can take weeks to fully heal. As per studies, the sign is reported in more than 60% of COVID+ cases.
However, that may not be the ONLY way the SARS-COV-2 virus affects and alters your taste buds. With researches and case studies constantly being brought forward, we are only beginning to learn the multitude of ways the virus wrecks havoc on the human body and impairs vital senses as well.
02) Can COVID give you a mouth infection?
While the findings are still underway, experts are now suggesting that the manifestations of a COVID infection could last beyond the basic respiratory signs of trouble.
03) Here's what studies have found
According to a new study found conducted by the National Institute of Health(NIH)which has been published in the scientific journal, Nature Medicine, nearly half of COVID victims suffer from oral symptoms during the course of action.
04) What fuels the spread of oral COVID symptoms?
Most symptomatic infections happen when the virus starts to multiply and attack our organs. While there's no current evidence to suggest that COVID-19 causing the SARS-COV-2 virus directly infects or replicates itself along the oral cavities and tissues, but some do believe the reason behind the spread is the modes via which COVID primarily spreads- coughing, talking or simply breathing.
The NIH study also observed that the oral symptoms related to the disease could also be seen in asymptomatic cases, or mildest of mild cases, where no other signs of infection are exhibited. The presence of the virus in the oral cavities and mouth tissues, scientists now feel contributes to a bigger transmission role for COVID-19. It could also potentially add to the evidence that people without symptoms, i.e. asymptomatic ones could still greatly fuel the spread of the disease via modes like talking or breathing when they open their mouth.
While oral manifestations of COVID-19 require a lot more research, here are some of the symptoms experts feel could strike a patient in the early days, apart from the loss of taste.
05) Dry mouth
Image by Anemone123 from Pixabay
Dry mouth syndrome is usually connected to a lot of viral infections, autoimmune disorders and now, COVID-19 as well.
06) Lesions
When you go through a viral infection like COVID-19, one of the typical sensations you could experience is widespread inflammation, when the virus attacks muscle fibres, organ linings. This inflammation can show up in the form of lesions, painful bumps, including on the tongue and gum areas.
07) COVID tongue
COVID tongue is a much-discussed viral symptom right now. While there's no exact reason we know right now as to what causes it, a virus like SARS-COV-2 could definitely impact your tongue. For one, according to a lot of case studies, experiencing a COVID tongue can be quite arduous. Patients also experience a burning sensation and inflammation on the surface of the tongue. Some doctors also agree that COVID tongue sensation could be linked to the skin rashes which have come to be associated with COVID-19.
08) Changes to the colour/ sensation of the tongue
Another way COVID-19 could impact the oral cavities, and most particularly, the tongue is by altering the colour and texture of the tongue.
Mouth irritation, swelling and multiplication of the pathogen near your oral cavities can make your tongue feel weird. It can also cause mouth irritation, make your lips, tongue tingle or feel a lot more irritated than it usually should be. It could also cause a change in the colour you would be used to seeing. For example, unlike a normal, healthy pink tongue, unusual redness, white patches, or dark-coloured tongue could be witnessed when the virus strikes.
09) Do not ignore any symptoms
Do remember that changes in the mouth and tongue aren't precise COVID-19 symptoms right now, and may not affect everyone. However, with the changing behaviour of the virus and a rise in cases, any symptoms and sudden, unusual symptoms are worth getting checked. Consider getting a test done at the earliest if you experience unusual changes or experience other COVID symptoms.
Image by Thomas G. from Pixabay