Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. - Henry Ford
Nobody wants to hear the word ‘failure’. This word has its inherent value like “zero”. The word failure means lacks of success. FAIL stands for "first attempt in learning.
But failure in one field can lead to success in some other field, provided the failed one doesn’t lose heart and continues his or her efforts. May be in one or two attempts one may not get success. But constant and continuous efforts will crown a person with glorious success. Failures and successes are the two sides of the same coin. Failures help us come out of our comfort zones and try something new. If we keep on fearing failures, then we might never try out new things. If people like Walt Disney, Stephen King, Oprah Winfrey, JK Rowling, Bill Gates and Colonel Sanders for that matter might have just accepted failures as the final halt in their careers, they wouldn’t have achieved what they have today. It is important to accept failures in life. However, one must look at them as a learning stone. Most great men and women like: Walt Disney, Rockfeller, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, did not succeed the first time. Indian freedom fighters, including Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel faced failures innumerable times, but they put the goal of India’s freedom above everything and hence, India became free. Great scientist Abdul Kalam was rejected in the interview of pilot. Amitabh Bachan was rejected for the job in All India Radio because of my heavy voice . Sachin Tendulkuar failed in 8th standard. Michael Jordon during his high school was dropped from school basket team. Bill gates did not even complete his university education . Lionel Mersi used to serve tea at a shop to support his football training . Steve jobs used to sleep on the floor in friends room returning coke bottles for food,money and getting weekly food meals at a local temple.
Tony Blair teachers used to call him a failure. Albert Einstein teachers called him slow and mentally handicapped. He also did not speak until he turned 4 and did not write until he was was 7. J.K Rowling’s Broke Harry Potter was rejected by publishers 12 times. The story of KFC is often heard about. The true story is about the constant failures and struggles of Colonel Harland Sanders. But in the end, he is determined after failing more than 1000 times. He finally succeeds at the age of 65, which is considered retirement for many people. He did not feel bad when more than 1000 people rejected his recipe. Instead, he believed in his recipe and himself. Sylvester Stallone was rejected 1500 times when selling his script and himself for famous Rocky film.
Thomas Edeson found 10,000 ways not to create light bulb before succeeding. Winstan Churchill failed in 6 th grade. After school he faced many years of political failures as he was defeated in every election for public office until he finally became the prime minister at the ripe age of 65. Charles Chafles act was initially was rejected by Hollywood studio chiefs because they felt it was a little too non sensical to ever sell. Stephen King's first novel was rejected 50 times before it was published.
List of Abraham Lincon’s failure are as follows like first he lost his job in 1832. He was defeated in legislature in 1832.Failed in business in 1833.Elevated to legislature 1834.Sweetheart died in 1835.Had nervous breakdown 1836.Defeated for speaker 1838.Defeated for nomination for congress 1843.Elected to congress 1846.Lost re nomination 1848.Rejected for land officer
1849. Defeated for land senate 1854.Defeated for nomination of vice president 1855.Again, defeated for senate 1856.Elected president in 1860.Abraham Lincoln lost several elections disastrously. Even his people gave up on him. He never let failure get the better of him and kept coming back strongly and fighting courageously.
Nothing is to be expected of such people, but everything is possible for those who have faced difficulties, have failed but have persisted in spite of failure. Columbus could discover America only because he faced the oceans without fear of failure.
If you have an aim or a goal in your life, then go ahead. You will face tremendous hardship; nevertheless, go ahead and face them, solve all the problems that come you way to achieve your goal. A failure in life does not mean that we cannot be successful. We can convert a failure into success by determination. Determination develops a sense of self confidence, maturity and fulfilment. It gives courage and peace. If our determination is strong enough, it forces us to expand ourselves from the point of view of our personal resources, physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, intellectual and material, prompting us to raise our level of functioning to a higher level till what we want is within our grasp. Remember ideas without action remain dreams. There is no substitute for hard work. When failures come your way, do not lose heart. Try to find out your shortcomings and overcome them with courage, patience and enthusiasm.
There are three ways to grow from failure.
Always be humble in every situation. Confession of your mistakes will make you relieve yourself and let go of your ego so that you can concentrate on your future ventures.
Acknowledging mistakes is upsetting, and almost unbearable but try to come out to start with a ray of hope and light.
Always believe in the learning process. We fail because lack of proper learning. Upskilling yourself is the biggest investment you can make for yourself.
There are various simple rules that you can follow to become truly successful. It entirely depends on a person as he might have his own way to get success.
Misfortunes are the real tests of characters. One who faces difficulties comes out of the encounter better and abler. Failures are good for a man in the long run. One should not be afraid of them. Failures train and develop the natural faculties of a man just as herbs give out their sweet fragrance when they are crushed. So a man of real ability or virtue shines all the brighter when pressed with failures. So, we should not be afraid of failures, but rather welcome them. They are like the bitter pills which the doctor gives to his patient to cure him. Failures may be bitter at a time, but their uses are really sweet.
There are many people who struggle, life is not about what you could not do so far. It is about what you can still do, wait and don’t give up. Miracles happen every day.
“Success is failure in progress.”