Photo by Matteo Badini on Unsplash

I came back home
late, last night.

Half - asleep I entered the house,
with a serpentine inebriation,
playing over me, envisaging,
scenes of panoramic intoxication 
of a wild party, I was into till
late, last night.

Heavy in a drug-induced stupor,
followed further, I dragged myself
into the black hole of my empty house 
The darkness fills my soul .
Turned on the light, I looked myself into the mirror,
and behold, in a fit of horror,
my apparition smiled at me,
with decaying sores, eating my skeletal frame.

 In a burning clarity of wakefulness,
I see the light of a new day, life.
Two tiny flowers,
playing, waving, and smiling at me.
And then I cried inside,
" Why didn't I think of them, all those times ?"

Every year, young people all over the world die from severe drug abuse. Let us raise our voices against drug abuse and spread the message " Say No To Drugs And Yes To Life."

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