Image by stuart hampton from Pixabay 

Public Interest is considered as wrong-doing activities which endanger the health of public, safety of public as well as general well–being of public or the environment of public as well as to raise anti-discrimination concerns towards public safety. Public interest issues is mainly social wrongdoing by human-being or public. Public interest occurs in many ways. Public interest issues deal with what matters to the society and the common people's goods, the general welfare and security and well–being of the community we serve. Public interest issues are described in many ways for the sake of common people. Public interest issue deals with monetary issues as well as social issues and poor people.

Public Interest Issues are based on social welfare and proper management and rule by the government and by law.

Public interest issues types are classified in different ways such as:

  • Administrative Advocacy
  • Administrative / Management
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Community Education
  • Community lawyering / Grassroots
  • Direct Services / Client Services
  • Enforcement
  • Intake and Referral
  • Legal Research and Writing
  • Legislative
  • Litigation : Appellate
  • Litigation : Class Action
  • Litigation : Trial
  • Lobbying
  • Non-legal
  • Oversight and Investigations
  • Policy
  • Teaching
  • Transactional law
  • Watchdog

Activities of ‘Public Interest Issues ‘ is performed by law such as:

  1. To promote academism, science and technology
  2. To promote culture and art
  3. To support people with disabilities, needy persons and victims of accidents, disasters or crime.
  4. To promote the welfare of senior citizens
  5. To support the persons having the will to work for seeking the opportunity of employment.
  6. To enhance public health
  7. To seek sound nurturing of children and youths.
  8. To enhance the welfare of workers;
  9. To contribute to sound development of mind and body of citizens and to cultivate human nature through education, sports,  etc
  10. To prevent crimes and to maintain security;
  11.  To prevent accidents and disasters
  12. To prevent and eliminate unreasonable discrimination and prejudice by reason of race gender or others;
  13. To pay respect and to protect freedom of thoughts and conscience freedom of religion and of expression;
  14. To promote the creation of a gender-equal society and otherwise better society.
  15. To promote international mutual understanding and economic co-operation towards overseas developing areas and regions;
  16. To preserve the global environment and to protect and to maintain the globe‘s natural environment;
  17.  To utilize, maintain and preserve the national land;
  18. To contribute to the sound management of national politics;
  19. To develop sound local communities;
  20. To secure and promote fair and free opportunities for economic activity and to stabilize and enhance the lives of the citizenry through invigorating the economy;
  21. To secure a stable supply of goods and energy indispensable for the lives of the citizenry ;
  22. To protect and promote the interest of general consumers and
  23. In addition to the above, other types of activity that relates to the public interest, as prescribed by the cabinet order.

Citations : (Source : E_05.pdf)

Public interest Issues is expressed in many ways and in different form. In an economic sense ‘the exact welfare of the representative individual.'

Public Interest Issues in a historical sense are varied in thinking and imaging John Harsanyi but express by John Rawls in his “ Theory of Justice “ in 1971 expressed human happiness even one’s own more successfully pursued by acting on general rules than by measuring the consequences of each act.

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales express public interest issues identified public interest issues in “ It is likely to result in unintended consequences in Acting In other sense circumstances need to be assessed based on criteria based on public demands and their needs." In Economic sense Public Interest Issues is based with the changes involved in transparency of the decision making process including balancing competing interests.

Public Interest Issues in law sense are described as a social turmoil of the 1960s

It is clearly described that Public Interest law was not described in the body of law or in a legal field, the term was adopted by public interest lawyers to describe to whom they were representing no matter what they should work on.

In the Government's sense of view,  Public Interest Issues are considered as the ‘core of democratic theories of government and other parties paired with opinion and concepts such as convenience and necessity ‘.

The scope of public interest issues is:

Public Interest Issues are an important part in sense of law in every area of human life. Public Interest Issues were made to serve the particular area whereas public interest issues are related to broad wrongdoings such as -- activities that endanger public health, safety, general well-being or the environment or that raise anti- discrimination concerns.

Examples of Public Interest Issues:

Public Interest Issues are concerned with some but restricted to the following areas.

  • Animal Issues
  • Arts / Entertainment
  • Business / Economic Issues
  • Children / youth
  • Civil Rights / liberaties
  • Communications
  • Consumer
  • Criminal
  • Death Penalty
  • Disability
  • Domestic violence
  • Economic Development
  • Education
  • Elderly
  • Environment / Energy/ Utilities
  • Family
  • Farm/ Migrant worker
  • First Amendment
  • Gay/ Lesbian/ Bisexual / Transgender Issues
  • Gun Control Issues
  • Government Accountability / Legal Reform/ Whistle-Blowers
  • Health / Medical
  • Homelessness / Housing
  • Human Rights
  • Immigration/ Refugee
  • Intellectual Property / Technology
  • Juvenile Defense
  • Labour / Employment
  • Municipal Law
  • Tribal Law
  • Personal Injury / Medical Mal Practice / Products Liability
  • Prosecution
  • Public Defenders
  • Legal services
  • Prisoner Issues
  • Property / Real Estate
  • Racial / Ethnic Justice / Cultural Rights
  • Religious Issues
  • Reproductive Issues
  • Security / Defence / Arms control
  • Tax
  • Trade
  • Transitional Justice / Democratic
  • Trusts and Estates
  • Voting and Campaign Finance
  • Women ‘s Issues
Citations (Source: from Harvard Law school)

Public Interest Issues are considered an important segment in the country. It helps us to provide some financial support. In India,  Public interest issues are based on fundamental rights related to law. Public interest issues are made to provide support against wrongdoings. It provides support and cares for old people in their old age.

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