Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

For all the plaudits she deserved,
was written down in a letter folded,
across the hall in a silent corner,
in versus sung for centuries,
her beauty does reside.
yet where is the song, the poetry,
the odes to the soul of man?
the curl that falls, a tangled grace,
frame his visage bold.
a beard that speaks of wisdom's touch,
secrets yet untold.
he suppresses smile to don his guise,
a seriousness embraced.
but in his eyes, a world is hid,
emotions interlaced,
the eyes to remind me of
inexplicable secrets,
that I yearn to discover,
seems rich and captivating.
the depth within his coffee gaze,
where secrets tend to dwell.
in those eyes,
a universe thrives,
a take he'll never tell.
veins spread like the roots of banyan grand,
through arms so strong,
a network of life,
through stories and strife
where his journey belongs.
he clenches his jaw,
a silent pact,
swallows down the pain,
in that brave face,
lies beauty to regain.
let the verses speak of men,
of their hidden grace.
the poetry of a male heart,
in every line's embrace.

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