Photo by David Dvořáček on Unsplash
“……You remember, Sajna’s daughter, who had gone to Bangalore for higher studies….Oh! That curly haired girl….the School topper! She is in a live-in relationship with her lover. Pity on Sajna! How hard did she work to raise up her daughter and look… what she’s doing?” How many times have you heard or taken part in such gossip sessions where a live- in couple and the relationship are scrutinized and the partakers have been seen as aliens in the society? In a conservative country like India, it is quite an ironic fact that live-in relationships, otherwise known as cohabitation has been prevalent and been on the increase in recent decades. It is a practice in which two individuals live together and enjoy all the benefits of a marriage without legalizing the marriage. A live-in relationship is a cohabitation between unmarried couples. In this relationship, an unmarried couple shares the same residence and is involved in a long-term relationship that mimics a marriage. However, a mixed response has been cultivated in the society.
It all began in 2010, when the Supreme Court of India gave legality to the live-in relationship for the case of S Khushboo versus Kanniammal. Until then, there was no law associated with live-in relationships in India. When we track the evolutions of cohabitation, they generally evolved in foreign countries and were not common in India. The Indian culture, entwined itself in religion and morality, views marriage as “ holy”. Anything that contradicts this is seen as a deviation and scrutinized. However, now there is a divide in society, where the new generation (not all) favours live-in relationships whereas the old generation(mostly) holds tight to their customs and traditions, by which cohabitation is seen as an attack on their morals.
And there are some others, who are torn between the question, of whether live - in a relationship is an acceptable form of living or whether should they conform to the existing system. The new generation, argues that there are a multitude of advantages to this lifestyle. With most being quoted, this form of relationship give both the partners a sense of freedom when compared to marriage, where they are burdened with responsibilities. Another argument in support is that live-in relationships reduce the chances of divorce, as individuals get a chance to know each other during this phase. Furthermore, live-in relationships are considered to give the participants the freedom of choice to end their relationship at any given point of time without going through the hassles of legal procedures. Alongside, today’s youth are of the notion that marriage is meaningless and just a “concept” of society. To add to this, the increasing rate of divorces has also promoted the growth of live-in relationships. Some of the youngsters also supports live in relationships as it is an evolving trend and does so in order to have a sense of belonging among their peers.
The people in aversion to this type of relationship points out a variety of reasons too. If we were to peep into their minds, we would find a lot of reasonable points as well. Firstly, live - in relationships is considered a sin, in some religions like Christianity and therefore is believed to draw a person far away from God. Secondly, it is morally wrong and the act is seen as a deviance as it destroys the sacredness of marriage and challenges the existing marriages. Another factor is that since cohabitation is not legally bound, it increases chances of crime as it may result in abuse of an individual both physically and mentally. Live-in relationships stands at the risk of being used as a means to lure a person monetarily. Also, live in relationships does not equip people with the liabilities of children formed in such relationships and the future of such children is in despair. To expand, live - in relationships does not provide a sense of unity or togetherness, that a marriage can provide. The intent of the individuals might not be clear as there is no surety if the relationship will continue or not. These type of relationships does not bring any value to the society as it does not consider love as a forever thing. It has also to be observed that live in relationships generally lack accountability than marriages. Another major issue is financial disparity - conflicts may arise when sharing financial responsibilities.
When confronted with the question, if live - in relationships should be encouraged, it has to be kept in mind that it is similar to a coin with two sides. Although the ideology is quite enticing, and trendy it may not help in the long run. Moreover, it may cause a division in the society and might result in the disintegration of families. The overall satisfactory index of relationships may degrade overtime and as a consequence the youth may refrain from getting involved in relationships. However, when given a second thought, it may be the apt choice for those seeking freedom above anything else. Also, it helps to test the compatibility of couple, before they commit to marriage. But it has to be kept in mind that it starts a new revolution and shakes the very existence of a society. It does not foster love and lacks sensitivity towards other’s emotions and feelings. The best way to deal with this problem is by developing a non judgmental attitude towards this and to keep an open mind to let others choose their way of life. Further, answering the question if live- in relationships is a taboo or a matter of choice, it has to do with the belief system that is engraved within an individual over their lifetime. Forcing one another to adopt a particular notion is not the accurate and the best way to deal with this issue. Also alienation and discrimination of people on the basis of their choices is also not fair. The key is to Accept and Let live!