Image by Yogendra Singh from Pixabay


India is a land blessed with rich biodiversity. It is, indeed, adorned with verdant forests, enchanting desertland, expanding oceans, vast species of flora and fauna, and Innumerable beautiful water bodies spreading across the country in the shape of lakes, ponds, and reservoirs built for the purposes of conserving water. Such water bodies are not only important from the point of saving water but also serve as scenic spots where humans can visit and relax for some time. These spots are largely surrounded by vegetation of several varieties adding greenery to the whole ambiance. Nature's gifts are such places which need to be preserved and conserved for our own benefit. But the situation at the ground level is far from satisfactory. A few instances can be mentioned here in this context.

1. The Lotus Pond Park, Hyderabad

This Immeasurably beautiful place lies in the heart of Hyderabad city which includes a lush-green surroundings amidst a natural lake. The overall view is breathtaking. The lake is full of turtles and their activities are a treat to watch. Many kinds of birds, insects, and chameleons, etc. can be seen in the whole area. One can totally relax by sitting in a corner of the park in the vicinity of the cool and placid water of the lake. The whole atmosphere presents a mesmerizing look. But then a big shock also awaits the visitors. At some corners of the lake, one finds the storage of empty water bottles, polythene wrappers, even one or two wine bottles, and several other waste materials dumped mercilessly. These are the eyesores which can hurt anybody visiting the place in search of aesthetic beauty and internal peace. The park is maintained by the Municipal Corporation, Hyderabad and there are a few guards also posted there for security purposes. But the culprits go scot-free, it seems. There are no CCTV cameras inside the whole campus. There is no regular cleaning of the water body on a regular basis as It seems to be. There is also no hoarding or billboard to caution the visitors against throwing such waste objects into the water, and the ensuing penalties in case of default. Such aberrations on the part of errant visitors spoil the show for a sensitive visitor.

2. Jal Mahal Lake, Jaipur

This natural lake of immense beauty is the home of a huge residential structure where the erstwhile ruling class of the city would go for relaxation and entertainment. The whole area of the lake is surrounded by huge hillocks and green vegetation. The lake on the road end is laced by barbed fencing to check entry of the visitors, although stone steps are there for seating purposes for them. Anyone can easily be enamoured of the natural beauty of the place. But here too, the visitors don't feel shy to throw empty plastic bottles, used polythene wrappers and other used items of varied nature with impunity. As a consequence, the fringe of this water body along the roadside looks filthy and the beauty of the lake looks dented at the hands of some people having no moral or ethical values. The lake is under the control of the Municipal Corporation, Jaipur but unfortunately, no necessary stern action seems to be taken against the culprits of Nature.

3. The Juhu and other sea beaches, Mumbai

Sea beaches, especially where the people go for picnic purposes, present a horrible spectacle as far as pollution is concerned. Such places are littered with hundreds of empty water bottles of plastic, polythene wrappers, used papers and other waste items thrown away by the visitors, probably thinking that no other visitors would come there after they depart from the place. This has become a routine. It is an uphill task for the municipal sanitation workers to clean the place in one go. One or two groups of Good Samaritans help them on a voluntary basis.

4. Pollution in Big Rivers

In the last few years, laying of unidentified dead bodies into the holy river Ganga stole the limelight, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, this practice is not new. Besides that, the dirty and soiled waterflow of the city through drains is conveniently diverted into the mainstream of the river without compunction. This is true about all the cities situated on the banks of any river. Not only this, the contaminants of various kinds find refuge in the otherwise pure and limpid waters. People take these rivers to be the ultimate deposit vaults for their accumulated filth.

Thus, the problem is assuming dangerous proportions, day by day. Though water pollution is an offence under the Environmentl Protection Act, 1986, and other Acts, the problem persists even today. The above-mentioned instances are just a pointer to the imminent danger of unabated water pollution going on with impunity. In this context, the following steps need to be taken in the earnest:

  1. Every local body including the Municipal Corporation, Municipality or the Village Panchayats should take cognizance of the problem and take immediate ameliorate steps. First, the billboards or hoarding should be installed, wherever possible, notifying that polluting water is an offence. A heavy fine is needed to be imposed, at least, for the offenders, in the first instance. For the repeat offenders, imprisonment for some specific period should be imposed.
  2.  The CCTV cameras in sufficient numbers should be installed for keeping an eye on such anti-social elements. On the basis of cctv footage, prompt penal action should be ensured.
  3. As far as possible, sufficient staff should be posted there to ensure the safety and security of the place. For this, the ticketing system should be introduced to meet out the expenses partially.
  4. Regular cleaning of the water body excluding rivers, should be ensured so that the attraction of the visitors is not diverted.
  5. Financial penalties can also be imposed online and as in practice in case of traffic rules violations.
  6. The help of good citizens should be taken from time to time to create awareness among the masses.

There is no denying the fact that defiling our water bodies by insensitive and anti-social people has become a continuing evil practice that needs to be corrected at the earliest. It is not alone the work of municipal bodies or the government but the active and alert citizens should also play a proactive role to check this growing menace. Water is the essence of life. Nobody can ignore this fact ever. Polluting the water bodies amounts to endangering life on Earth. The sooner we acknowledge this fact the better would be the chances of human survival. In any case, it should not be developed and nurtured as a national pastime.

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