Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: Pexels

Life is made easier when we are able to communicate things in the quickest possible way: the fastest way to tell someone something is to say it loud, or to connect via internet or telephone. This is surely a boon for us, where our communication and language skills are much developed, than any other creature on earth, that we can precisely communicate anything easily. Our technology and commerce has burgeoned because of our language.

There is however, a great risk that comes with a great blessing. The Bible in the book of James, Chapter 3 speaks about the evil of the tongue. It says "Man has tamed all creatures on the earth, except the tongue. It is a world of evil, burning with fire from heel. It can drag our souls to hell, like how a tiny flame sets on fire an entire forest, or like how a rudder is just enough to control a huge ship or a bit that controls a horse." Jesus says in Mathew 12.36 "You can be sure that on the last day, man will have to give an account for idle word he has used." Note, it is not simply evil talk of gossip, slander and fornication or false witness and fibbing, but even a useless word will be judged. What is a useless word? it is anything that does no good to us and to others around us, including wasting time on arguing or discussing worldly matters.

How then should we use this "necessary evil"? It must be used to build others, to communicate only what needs to be communicated for good, to spread the love of God, to proclaim God's word. Anyone who has control on what he speaks is perfect and able to control his life. Again in the book of Proverbs, the Bible says in Chapter 18, verse 21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words"

Again in the book of Jeremiah Ch15, verse 19, the Lord says, "If you utter what is precious, and not what is worthless, you shall be as my mouth". What is the speciality of God's mouth? It brings into existence what was not, he made the whole universe with His word. He healed the sick, brought back dead to life and cast out demons, by just using His word.

Therefore, let's make a decision to be the mouthpiece of God, let us be a blessing to those around us.

Let's declare life, and not death.

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