Have you ever realized that you might have been living in a constant loop every day without even breaking it?
The same old - waking up, getting ready to reach your destination, seeing people's heads inside their smartphones with headphones on, doing the same monotonous task, and coming back home.
But what if you want to break that loop? Well, the first and the foremost thing you need to do is get familiar with the everyday pattern. What is that one thing you have been doing almost every day and have the capacity to change? For instance, just like any other person, I also use my phone while traveling. So, instead of doing the same, why not keep my phone aside and read a book or a newspaper or write something? (I wrote this while traveling!) When you do something different from all the other days, you suddenly feel accomplished. While that may sound like a big, fat lie, have you ever tried it? My guess is no, because when you have experienced it you will always agree with me.
I'm not blaming you for not breaking that loop or doing the same thing every day. But you know, when you are living in that same cycle every day you are not able to tell the difference between the past, the present, and the future. When someone asks, what did you do today? All I ever say is meh! The same old day. See! That sucks. And maybe that sucks for you too, and maybe people do realize that they need to break the everyday pattern but are not motivated enough to do so.
Another thing that is experienced by many of us is self-inflicted hatred. We are not sad, but we are not happy either. We hate ourselves for not doing what is necessary, just like others are. We start to compare ourselves, which is the biggest mistake anyone can ever make. Yes, constructive comparison helps, but we all are human beings, and somewhere along the way we start disliking everything in our lives because someone is living better off than us.
So, between all of this chaos, would you rather work your way up or let that cycle continue?
Do those awkward dances even if you feel like people will judge. You know what the 'people' care about? Themselves. Remember: If it's not said verbally, then it is not valid. Stop burdening yourself with the thought of what other people might think about you. All you need to do for yourself is to be selfish for yourself this time. Maintain a journal, no matter how crappy your writing is. It's for you to read, not for others. Feel like recording your everyday life? Do it. If it's just a phase, it will pass, but what if you succeed in achieving something that you never thought you were capable of? Had a bad day? Call that friend or write down those feelings. You'll eventually figure it out.
We have one life, and we cannot achieve all the things we ever wish for, but we can try to achieve most of the things we wish for. Wishes are unending; all you can do is get the most out of them.
Here's another thing. Sometimes we are just too much in our heads that all the ‘what ifs’ eat us up from the inside. We lose our decision-making ability. We don't know what we want anymore. So for this, ask yourself, 'What would I like to do in this last moment if I were to die tomorrow?' Now, the answer gets pretty clear, doesn't it? And if I were to answer this question, I would say that I would like to be happy.
You know what? ‘Everyone’ expects us to figure our lives out when we just cross eighteen and while we are all burdened with the thought of having sought out our lives, we forget to live. Nobody really asks us if we are happy or not. Nobody takes out the time to cater to our needs and wants. And nobody is really there for you. You feel lost.
So, to make up for every other person in your life, I ask you, Are you happy? The answer might be negative for most of us, but I ask for you to not give up. Someone might also be struggling the same way you are and I hope you will be there for them. I am sure you will find many people to be there for you also. I hope you allow people to enter your life and take care of you just like you have been taking care of others.
Whenever you feel stuck in life, just lie down, look up at the sky, and close your eyes. Make sure a bird doesn’t poop on you. Haha! It feels great to stop at times and not rush things. Sometimes, all you need to do is – STOP and REST. We have been so rushed our whole lives we forget to take a rest for ourselves. Ever heard our parents say, ‘Everything will be easy afterward’? Well, that is the biggest lie anyone can ever tell you. If only we were told that it would get harder and harder, and we could prepare ourselves. We were just randomly thrown into the crowd by the universe and were expected to escape it by ourselves. And instead of escaping it, we learnt to live in it. Then, at random we get those vivid feelings of being lost. I get it people. So instead of beating ourselves up for not being the best, we can try to accept those feelings because no one is perfect and no one has the right to denunciate you for it.
Life has gone still for me. Do you feel the same? Well, hey there!
This is me encouraging you and myself. I encouraged myself to break that cycle by writing this piece. What are you doing?