I can't picture a life without problems.
It inspires us to work hard and learn.
We will have to endure this process.
No matter how much we abhor it.
Arise be strong, go on striving.
We need to care for others.
Be selfless and kind
Count all as our brothers and sisters.
This is the reason for progress
From failure to strength
Achieve success to transverse
Our life's journey, it's length and breadth.
When we find ourselves adrift
Away from the safety of our home shores
We need to replenish our thirst.
From the well of spirituality and prayer
Arise this is the reason for our existence.
Don't go down life's road like a car without brakes.
Like a rudderless boat whose oars we have cast away.
Arise dear friend, our faith alone will lead us ashore.
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