After watching Jawan, just to see what the hullaballoo is about, I don't know where to start.

The PROs: SRK, at this age, this fit and strong, is exemplary. And the social message is relevant.

The rest of it is just pure crap. Firstly, the plagiarism-.

Bandages and a prison, which is actually a community: South Korean movie Revenger

Courts proceedings, pointing a gun at the culprit knowing it won't fire: Movie Shooter

Wounded and floating in the waters with amnesia, revived by ordinary poor folks: Jason Bourne

I can go on with every scene, but Holy Cow, the Russian baron is a bald man with a device covering his lower half of the face: Bane from Batman. Even the device is exactly similar. How the hell did they not get sued for this?

Now the pseudo-science:

SRK throws a spear at the enemy from a cliff and then we see his head and body slowly walk up to the edge. Meaning he shot the spear without having a line of sight.

The prison is surrounded by mines. Sanjay Dutt throws a tiny pebble on it and it explodes. But mines have a weight and pressure limit; only above that do the mines explode. Otherwise, wind blowing tiny stones, or hailstorms would set them off, which they don't.

Next, they steal 9 lacs Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs). So a shipping container volume is 66 cubic meters. Now, an EVM is roughly 2 feet by 1 foot by 1/2 feet (6 inches). So its volume is 1 feet^3. That is 0.028 cubic meters. So a 66 cubic meters container will hold 66/0.028 = about 2330 EVMs. So for 9 lacs EVMs, the number of trucks required is 900000/2330 = about 386 trucks. But they bring it in 3 or 4 trucks.

And how the hell does a prison have 6,000 machine guns in the hands of 6,000 convicts?

What the hell is going on here? Now that our movies are reaching international viewers, we will be a laughing stock. I don't understand; they have huge budgets and hire the best consultants. So what's happening? Or is it just me? The main theme is a slight variation of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly theme.

I can just go on and on, but this is the shortest I could manage. BTW, Bahubali shoots 3 arrows at the same time vertically, but they hit 3 opponents horizontally. But this one can be attributed to him bending the laws of physics with his sheer awesomeness!

Someone has got to intervene to save India from humiliation.

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