Image by Elliot Alderson from Pixabay

The current situations around the world portray the scenario that there is a deficiency of humanity and businesses are growing by selling equipment of mass destruction.

Inflation, recession, and financial crisis are the priority of concern while loss of life, injustice, and crime have taken a back seat. Growth, finance, politics, and business, are important, but not at the cost of life-loss.

The extinction of humanity will finish the world faster than the nuclear weapon. Humanity can heal and reform a human, but a lack of it can destroy the surroundings and the inner-peace.

There is no course yet created to upgrade, improve, or preserve humanity. Humanity is in danger and if the current world crisis continues it will be extinct soon.

Many things are getting endangered like animals and birds, but what about humanity, the root cause behind any cruelty? The most pivotal element of survival is getting endangered.

Not just a country or city is affected, deficiency of humanity has stuck in our neighborhood. This is a disease without a vaccine. Nobody can cure the inhuman or insane character of a person, but we.

By definition, humanity is the quality of being kind, thoughtful, and empathetic towards others.

But roll your eyes around and check, if you can find any. A rare view of humanity shows that it is endangered.

People cannot trust anyone, because of unfaithfulness, they are unable to share their thoughts, out of fear of mockery, scared to raise their voice against violence, because of long trials, and lack faith, even in the person staying next door, for the fear of jealousy or malice, and so on.

According to the statistical data, war, injustice, wrong accusations, corruption, and violence have taken a steep rise, which ultimately leads to endangered humanity. Lack of humanity has nothing to do with region, religion, caste, color, or tribe, it’s within you.

How would you like to see the world now and after you? What kind of surroundings, do you want your child to live in? Having an eye for positivity is good, but closing the eye on negativity won’t stop it. Lack of humanity cannot be concealed nor be covered. The insane or cruel nature cannot be disguised for a long time, one day or other it will be freed, destroying the human race, and humanity.

A few questions arise here, how can we protect the future? How much have we evolved as a person? Is this evolution good or bad? Nature teaches us to keep balance, but the equilibrium is lost long back.

Violence, war, and corruption are the major goals of humanity, but what about the minor ones that are neglected like empathy, care, kindness, contentment, and helpfulness?

We as humans should focus on these small acts of kindness and affection. These minor endangered human qualities have become crucial goals for humanity. Metaphorically speaking, a drop of water creates an ocean, and a lack of kindness and compassion creates insanity.

What already is gone or destroyed cannot be rejuvenated, but we can still preserve whatever is left, and protect the future from any destruction.

A single step taken towards building these minor human qualities will create a strong platform for the future generation.

It commences with appreciating, small gestures of kindness, truthfulness, and care. These acts of kindness should be done unconditionally, and not be corrupted with terms like show-off, limelight, visibility, etc.

Human qualities are contagious and so consistent efforts for the welfare of our children and neighborhood can create a big change in germinating the seed of human qualities.

These qualities are very much prevalent in every individual, we just need to give proper ambiance to cultivate them again. Self-awareness is important to spread the word of peace and unity. Constant perseverance to inculcate good human qualities will replenish humanity in abundance, leading to a blissful world to live in.

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