The phrase "Knowledge will give you power, but character respect" emphasizes the importance of both knowledge and character in a person's life. It was said by Bruce Lee. Knowledge can empower individuals by providing them with information, skills, and capabilities to achieve their goals and make informed decisions. It gives them the ability to influence others, solve problems, and navigate the complexities of life. Knowledge also influences the power of one person to the eternity in the whole universe. However, character, which refers to the moral and ethical qualities of a person, plays a crucial role in earning respect from others. Respect is not solely attained through intellectual process or accomplishments; it is also earned by demonstrating integrity, honesty, humility, and kindness, etc, it is what inspires, respect and admiration to us from others. A person with a strong character is admired and respected for their values, principles, and the way they treat others. In essence, while knowledge can open doors and create opportunities, it is one's character that determines how they are perceived and respected by others. From my point of view, character designs one's personality, who they are? how they act? What kind of behaviour or attitude they are giving to others? Character is something precious that knowledge will not always give. A person of good character is trustworthy, reliable, and considerate, which fosters positive relationships and genuine respect from peers, colleagues, and society. In conclusion, both knowledge and character are valuable assets, and they complement each other. A person with knowledge and a strong character not only has the power to influence the world but also earns the respect and admiration of those around them, creating a positive impact on both their personal and professional life. It is very important to balance both the things equally as gaining knowledge, for having power and opportunities and the best part is focusing on building a strong admirable character so that we can earn a good character certificate from our society with respect.
Character is god's best gift given to us for influencing other people to ourselves. One must have a good knowledge with good values and qualities, for succeeding in life.