Today's society struggles for this one ingredient in their lives. But in reality it's the story for ages. We want various things assuming that they'll make us happier, more fulfilled and freer.
All of us need money to survive. To fulfill our needs and dreams. All of which we suppose will complete us, and make us happier. But the question is, who is happy?
Suppose you cracked an exam, or got a high-paying job, or say you successfully fought a deadly disease, or anything else. How long will you be able to stay happy?
Daily garbage will surround you again. And you'll be filled with anger, dissatisfaction, jealousy, frustration, grief, loneliness etc.
Recall the time when you were happy, the last time. How was it?
Whether it was for some new food, an increment, a trip, or anything else. You forgot the struggles and worries. You felt better and freer than you felt in your monotonous life.
A child is almost always happy. Earlier I assumed that it's because they didn't have any responsibilities, or any masks to carry all the time, hence they were happy.
Yes, that's true. But there's one more thing.
Someone told me, that happiness is our birth right. And if something or someone takes that away, snatch it back!
Happiness is our birth right. It is our freedom and independent of anyone, any situation, etc.
Have you ever noticed why are you so self-obsessed? All our mental chatter starts with me and ends with me. Have we thought why?
Now before you argue as to what about our family and friends. So they're YOUR family and friends.
As a child, when my paternal grandmother died, I was shattered, as she was the closest to me. And I miss her. I realised that I missed her because I could not see her anymore. So even then the root of my sorrow was me.
Yes, we do have concerns for their well-being as well. But that IS limited to our own built boundaries. We normally do not mourn for the death of a man in the car accident we saw about in the news article. Or shed tears for a girl who was raped brutally by a human no less than any animal.
We are this self-obsessed because this self is spectacular. It's just like a mini projection. Like the solar system and the Rutherford model of the atom.
Why? Because the happiness that we seldom search for outside resides in us.
Being happy is effortless. It's simply like not putting any makeup. Just try this out. In a place where no one will judge you, not even you! And where you can forget everything for some time. Just try being there. Happiness will burst out.
Just do whatever you feel like doing. Sit idle and gaze, or jump around like you did as a kid, dance joyfully, laugh out loud or just anything. And feel that happiness.
Search for it until you get it, coz it'll be worth it. Just remove the makeup!
We tend to work hard, to be, what we already are! And notice this, when we are happy, things look beautiful. They are filled with awe.
But then should I stop all my job, and just sit idly or keep dancing? Hahh, not possible right? But I can stop searching for happiness outside. And do whatever I do with involvement and joy. I can enjoy my work.
Initially I used to think that I love what I do, so definitely I can do it all. But everyone knows this, even the best of jobs turn monotonous after a time. Or difficulties of such kind arise that we start hating it. This is also something that happens with our relationships. They lose the sparkle.
But if I am happy by myself, I shall not blame my job, or partner for my adversities or problems.
And from where does it come from? 'Us', 'I'! There it is. Since when, I do not know. But I happened to have ignored it. Hope you'll not.