Photo by Maycon Marmo: Pexels


We can always learn from our mistakes. There's nothing to be ashamed of our mistakes. Even if we're alone at making them. It's okay.

We should always be eager to make ourselves even better, happier, guilt-free, and ready to correct our mistakes.

Everyone makes mistakes. Even if we don't find such incidents, whatever we are, wouldn't be possible without correcting our mistakes. From the very basic ones like eating and walking properly to choosing the priorities in life. We can make mistakes and we should. They're the best teachers. So, the more, the better. Only if I am willing to rectify them, and move forward. It's okay to be wrong. That doesn't make us less of anything. Our actions, ideas, perceptions etc don't define us. Coz they always keep changing. And there's no point being identified with them. The only job these memories should do is to prevent us from going around the same circle. Nothing else. They're not to make us feel lesser, inferior or incompetent. Our competence is something that we've never witnessed in real. We must focus on that. At the present moment. No fear, and no anxiety can actually help us in any way. There's just reducing our efficiency. That's all. Yes, we must take appropriate measures to improve ourselves.


We've always been told to do this and that, to be happier, successful and better off. Rarely do we ask ourselves what exactly we want. We've been taught to repeat the same things after society as the parrot does after his master. And this isn't entirely anyone's fault. The entire society is working in a pre-programmed manner, much like the AI works today. It doesn't have the capacity to build something completely new. If we're to make it through it, it'll crash(no it won't, Coz it wouldn't be able to do that only, was a joke). I would say, think. We have forgotten to think. Not that which the society has taught us to think. But that which is to be pondered upon. We're mostly doing stuff mindlessly. In our day-to-day life, there's rarely anything where we put all our might. Like children do to find solutions to their mysteries. Because we adults find it difficult. We're so busy with our work and responsibilities that we don't have the time for the most important things. Us. Who is experiencing all of this? Us right? Then how come don't we spend even an hour asking how this one is? Is it happy? If not then what are we doing to make it happier? Now I'm not justifying criminals here. That I must harm people to make this happy. That's called fooling the self. That's called fleeing from the battleground.

How beautiful were each one of us in our childhood? We were all-inclusive. Anyone's pain would disturb us like it was ours. And we'd be happy in other's joy as if it was ours. Where did that go? I'm not saying have that face in public. That would be a complete disaster. Coz even if we turn into kids, the entire society won't. But can we even not have that face in private? When no one's around. Can we at least be honest with ourselves? Can we at least be free in front of our own selves? Can we laugh and sing and play like children, at least in our own company? Just to enjoy. We'd be much happier and healthy had we been honest with ourselves. 

We rarely reflect on our own faults with as much unbiasedness as we look at the faults of others. We're always like the parents of the spoiled kid. We must remember that after an age, we are our parents. We must love ourselves, play and also correct our mistakes, with utmost care and sincerity. And mind it, everyone is alone here. If we fail to enjoy this only constant companion of our lives, then we've failed.

The Play

What exactly is actually important in life? Is there anything really important? We prioritize things as per our desires. And then we visualize it as the most important thing to be done in life. But what exactly is the value of these? Nothing. At the same time everything Coz we've made it like that. Everyone is growing up, studying, picking any career, getting married, having kids, or maybe not, living and dining. What happened? Nothing? No matter what rocket science we get into, it still has no value in front of the huge and magnificent existence. So do we stop everything? We can't. We can't stop breathing, eating, etc. Right? Now imagine a child who is playing with a toy train. He makes tracks and everything, makes the train move, and stops, maybe it happens to meet some accidents and sometimes it moves too fast. Whatever the child wishes. He does. But does the game have any value? Still, he enjoys it. So can we. This is something we have in our hands. We can still enjoy, it once we realize it's not a real train, but a toy train, and we are the players, not the train. We go through so many situations, and they happen to teach us a lot. And in the end, we feel like it was all meaningless. Yes, it is. But because this is meaningless... is this a game? A game is always heading nowhere. It's sole purpose is to enjoy. That's all.

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