Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash


India, or Bharat, has a long history always hidden from us Bharatwasis. Several attacks, invasions, conspiracies, etc have always attempted to crush Indians. And no doubt they’ve almost succeeded. Today this culture is on the death bed. I shall put together certain aspects that I feel every Indian must know.

Sanatan Dharma

Dharma essentially meant certain conducts which help us to reach a certain goal within minimum time, and maximum efficiency. Like we have ‘putra dharm’. Which means the conduct that will help us be a good son. By respecting one’s parents, being obedient, etc. likely there is ‘chatra dharm’. Means the conduct to become a good student. Which includes discipline, responsiveness, celibacy, respecting the teacher, keenness to learn, etc. If one develops these qualities he/she would be able to accumulate a lot of knowledge within, and thus become a good student and perform well.

Similarly, sanatan dharm simply means the set of rules and regulations that would help us reach the ‘sanatan’ efficiently. Now what is sanatan here, would be spoken about later in detail. But the key here is, it includes a vast number of groups in which those rules are different. Just like someone learning dance will have a different schedule than someone learning warfare or mathematics. The goal is perfection in each of them. And not everyone would have a knack in dance, some might have it in medical sciences, some in physical sciences, etc.


This word literally means that which doesn’t change. Philosophies say that the world is in constant change. But that which doesn’t change is the truth. Even in science we find that there is always reactions among the systems and it’s surroundings. And this change is always there no matter what.

We, in our lives, are mostly running for happiness. That means we aren’t always happy, hence we’re searching for it everywhere. Even now while you’re reading this, you’re doing so coz you feel like there’s something absent in you. And that feeling of incompleteness makes you run here and there for food, shelter, mate, entertainment, etc. Everything that you do, is just to have ‘some’ happiness. From sleeping to eating to working, studying, etc.

So, this sanatan simply indicates to that completeness. Have you seen real yogis, or prophets? They’re always happy. They can live without anything. Even without oxygen! And this isn’t any joke, consider googling.

Why? Because they’ve found that completeness within. If we simply look at the lives of these great personalities, we would get the answers.

Take Jesus for example. He happily gave up his life for the well-being of people. Inspite of such tremendous pain, he was contended. How? He said he was the son of God. He said my father and I are one. Who is that?

That is Sanatan. No matter what happens to his body, he doesn’t care. He lived in completeness and bliss. He was an embodiment of his teachings.

And this is what all the prophets have been in. But their way of expressing themselves was different depending upon regions, people then, etc.

This is true for all religions here. In fact what we call as Hindu religion is a very new concept. In Sanatan dharm comes all the ways to reach ‘that’.

If today someone comes up with another new way and claims it as a newer religion it wouldn’t be different from Sanatan dharm.

It’s like the English language and the grammar in it to understand the language. The language is the same. Rules may vary to understand the language. As per the point that is to be explained, the sentences to be used, the phrases change, the figures of speech change but the language is the same. And people of the United Kingdom cannot say that it’s their property. Other countries which are English-speaking are equally into it.

Similarly, the sanatan, the truth, remains the same, but people of Spain pronounce it in a certain way, the people of America pronounce it in a certain way, and so on. But all speak English. All head towards the truth.


As per what I have noted, in India, there are 4 kinds of people w.r.t this subject.

  1. Those who absolutely don’t care, they’re we’ll ‘n good in their job.
  2. Those who are absolute skeptics and atheists.
  3. Blind believers.
  4. Mystics.

Mystics are already out of the entire game, they’ve seen it, and they’re living it.

But in the rest, the only lack is of wisdom. What I said above can be said by anyone. Infact many say so, many deny these as well. People here only make opinions out of whatever they get from their surroundings. This is very natural. But is it actually worth it ? Coz as I said, things are always changing. So we would then require to change our opinions periodically to remain updated. But then if we even do so, where would we be practically leading to ? Another bunch of words ? Another idea ? Is it really worth giving time to ?

What is the solution then? Wisdom!

And how does one gain that? By concentration. On anything.

In India, various paths are there. And many a times they face a lot of criticisms for being adamant to their beliefs. Yes, it is necessary for some.

Mental knots

Many so-called religious people in our country think that women should wear Indian dresses, without showing off much skin. Why? Because that is unacceptable in Hinduism. Which actually isn’t. In fact many female yogis were digambar, which means they remained naked.

These are just petty things. Another reason which is normally hidden, is the lust of men. Those men who hide it under their words and religious dresses. The people into hook-up culture are far better than those who suppress their lust, assuming it to be the solution. But in reality they're just running away. These people seem to hate sex, and relationship and all of that stuff. But deep within that is what they desire. And it's not just their fault. The society looks down to these, as some sin. As a result, topics like masturbation, menstruation, sex, lust etc is getting normalised by one segment and hated by another.

Our so called modern society no doubt has done this exceptionally courageous act of putting forward these taboo topics into the limelight. But that doesn't mean normalisation of sex with multiple partners, as in hook-up culture with pride. On the other hand, they boldly accept that every human being has these in them, so what's the shame? Which is the very right thing to do. But keeping in mind the well-being of our body and mind. Cheating on the partner is always to be criticised not glorified no matter who does that. Cruelty is to be always criticised not glorified.

For some, eating non-veg is a sin. And they tell stories of hell, they’ve never been to.

For yet some, women can’t remain unmarried by their choice, or become a bramhacharini, and have to always stay under some man, either father, son, or husband.

Many still follow the so-called caste system and not touch people of lower castes.

This is all nonsense. But many who follow these sects never question it. No doubt if one follows these rules as well, he/she will reach the same, but imposing them as the only right thing is cruel. And this what is done.

Many have a lot of scriptural knowledge but yet do these stupidities. Bharat has a huge huge mass of scriptures. Inspite of a large segment having destroyed and another large segment having edited as per convience of the so-called bramhins. Hence one can literally prove any point from the scriptures by folding and moulding them. On top of that the common mass doesn’t know sanskrit. Which is the language of the scriptures. Hence the masses can be easily mislead.

But in some cases being adamant is required too. Like if I’m following a certain path, there will be a few rules and regulations which I may find futile. But in the long run they’ll prove to be helpful. Say, you are a student. And the rule is to not watch reels. You might feel, other people can watch, then why can’t I ? But if you waste time watching them, you’ll only perform less than you actually can.

The saddest part is, the conducts that were designed to eradicate all superstitions have become the root of them.

The conclusion:

So what can we do to it? We all have difficulties and challenges in life. But the goal is to challenge the challenges, with joy. These stupidities only occur out of the feeling of incompleteness within. Once you are completely satisfied, happy, contented and complete in all terms from within, no damn hurdle would have the power to break you.

We speak of freedom today. But it isn’t just financial freedom. It’s freedom in mental, physical, and all aspects of a being. These opinions and words in which we often get tangled are just because we ourselves are in a mess. If we are sorted within, nothing in this world has the power to defeat us. This is what sanatan dharm teaches. FREEDOM! Complete Freedom!

How long can we even fight externally? This is a never-ending battle. But if we work within, we’ll no more have this compulsion.

But again, what exactly is it? We’ll tbh, I’m on the same path as you, and all. But I can tell you a path, which is one among many given already. Rest we shall witness it on our own.

Freedom is from all the preconceived beliefs, ideas, choices, interests, likes and dislikes, emotions, thought constructs, differences, words, everything, we have been perceiving.

Sanatan Dharm is on the death bed, and only we people can cure it.

Thank you.

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