Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

“But what if he flings it?”
“Then he flings it!!”
- Jin (BTS), In the Soop

Fearing Failure - Whose Fault is it?

A lot of us hear the words, “What If”, at our homes. Or, at least had heard it once.

“What if your idea fails?”

“What if your business fails”

“What if your chosen career fails?”

And so on and so forth.

The reason for the lack of answers is simply Fear of the Unknown, in this case, the Future.

Our parents had seen an entirely different world growing up. Which is why Most of them believe “Stability is the only way to live”, and call anyone who lives life on their own terms, as reckless.

We, as their Kids, learn from them, which is why it is safe to say that some of their thought processes have definitely rubbed off on us too. We are taught to fear the future and the uncertainties, Which is why, a lot of us are taught that only Straight A’s can provide food in the future, or at least Some of us can relate.

Although the fact that a good education and Hard/Smart work can help in getting a good career, which in turn can boost your status of living, isn’t Wrong. But, our total dependence on just that fact is definitely wrong.

A kid that got an A+ Grade is awarded at school, While the one that scored less is Harshly Reprimanded. Even though that is good for the child, so that they study even better and have a better understanding of the world, that idea of “Top is Everything” is etched onto their minds. Obviously, just like any other human, the popularity of being at the top lures the child into doing anything and everything to be at the top, to always only succeed.

But Life doesn’t work that way, and after a peak, a valley always comes next. The Child can no more see failure, or accept failure in their life. The Failure felt like the end of the road, but is not the case, because again, after a valley, a peak again comes, and might be an even taller peak. But to reach that peak, that valley HAS to be crossed. The failure has to be overcome, and there has to be a tailwind that gives a boost, so that you can reach the next peak.

If Winning is a Thing, Losing is a bigger win, because you can learn more ways to not do a particular task. That way, you get a small tailwind, which is the know-how of the task.

A Bigger Tailwind would be the assurance that another failure will not cause harm to you or the people around you. The guilt of causing others pain is a heavy burden to carry, and always turns out to be a huge hindrance in taking chances. Just a word of support, just like that quote above-

“Then he flings it!!”

Can help someone take that brave step ahead, to soar and fly.

The Main difference between humans and machines is that we can feel, be creative, and have emotions. These are a few barriers for machines. But it is the dependency on stability that makes machines out of humans. We Fear failure so much that we are ready to go into streams that we aren't passionate about, just go to a job and slog away for hours together, just like a machine to earn Money.

Sure, Money is a Very Important Aspect of life. But what good it is to just hoard money, without enjoying life, without being able to appreciate a piece of poetry, or a work of art, to listen to good music, watch a good movie or go to an amusement park with our family, just because we fear what happens next.

For “Enjoyment” to actually happen, there had to be someone who took their chances, Bravely, and went in pursuit of creativity, feeding their passion, despite what their peers, parents and everyone around them said, and overcame all obstacles, and bounced back from their rock bottoms.

So just like them, take some time to feed your passion, to learn something new, and Get Ready to Climb the Deepest Valley.

Who knows, You just might reach the tallest peak of your life through this climb!!!


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