"ZERO" - That is what you are at times; you are lost! Not in a literal sense but on an emotional edge. It is like standing on a numerical scale; you are not on the negatives or positives. It is weird, too weird to explain.
To me, ZERO can be:
ZERO is being fine, a thin line away from negatives and positives. You are on ZERO for both the X-axis and Y-axis.
Breaking a ZERO is not as tough as recognizing it. You might feel just regular and not at a ZERO until someone +1 comes alongside. Now the person does not need to demean you; it could be healthy as well.
A +1 is not necessarily a genius or heck; he/she does not have to be too accomplished. They are just a step up from where you are. It is not until their presence is felt that you recognize your place at ZERO.
Breaking a ZERO begins with what makes you a ZERO! Do you feel not healthy and glowing enough? Start a regimen of health or skincare! Do you feel not smart enough? Learn a handy skill! Do you feel not successful enough? Grind your head a little around what could leverage you!
Breaking a ZERO can be as easy as flipping open a ketchup bottle but can be as hard as taking out that last bit of ketchup from the bottle.
At this stage of ZERO, I like to think about a popular thought experiment carried out by Erwin Schrödinger, an Austrian physicist, displaying Quantum Superposition.
According to the experiment, a cat is placed in a box with something lethal that would kill the cat. Until the box is opened, the cat remains dead and alive at the same time. This clearly indicates the quantum superposition where multiple possibilities coexist in a similar time frame unless the observer decides to conclude.
Well, we are somewhat like Schrödinger's cat, suspended in the quantum area where we are unsure of our Status Quo. We are successful, happy, and beautiful alongside being average, sad, and okay-ish.
Schrödinger's cat really put my thoughts into a theory that explains why it is a thought experiment. It sincerely displays that the eternal result is based on the discretion of the observer and its biases and understanding.
To conclude, I can say we are well. A well with deep potential and an untapped reservoir of knowledge. What we need is to keep digging, and someday we will eventually land there.