Photo by Jason Hogan on Unsplash
Human morality and moral values were brought in, to infuse a sense of adherence to human conduct, it remained as a Citrine that was meant to bring joy, success, and strength. Until it was used as a scepter to impose control over a person and infuse habitual obedience toward the command given by a “martinet”. Are moral values designed to have an in-built tyrant to ensure its compliance? Nix! moral values are sanctioned by most of the human population to date. Because of its non–dictatorial traits, the way of abidance towards principles of human morality is strongly influenced by individual preferences. The ulterior motive of the principles of human morality is to provide individual satisfaction and courage in his /her lifestyle. They help us survive despite various hurdles encountered every day.
Most of them, transcribe morality as compliance of certain principles which assists an individual in distinguishing between what is good and bad and guides them towards good practices. In my opinion, the ideologies behind ‘ What Is good and bad” are baseless and widely vary from person to person. I find it too difficult to understand and accept the spurious and irrational methodologies adopted by the human race in discriminating and defining good and bad. As in recent times, certifying a person as “ a good man”, is directly linked to efforts undertaken by a person toward receiving social affiliation from human clusters surrounding and closely associated with you. The blueprint to attain the highest credit score of social affiliation is nothing but successive attempts undertaken by a person to be accepted, valued, and loved by people around him. So, Is morality the list of traits that accredits such a person as being socially acceptable? Yet, this is how human morality is being molded in the contemporary society. This cannot be deemed wrong on its face if the motive behind the attainment of such social affiliation is to promote social unity beyond the human clusters created under various influences. Unfortunately, this is not the intended outcome because the extent of togetherness in society has been limited only to the human clusters formed within man-made boundaries.
From the time , the concept of morality based on religious scripts evolved; its negative effects were imminent but were unquestionable;” Questioning them made you immoral!”. The very first outcome of the infusion of religious concepts into human principles was – Societal disruption, which led to the formation of human boundaries and in turn human clusters. Because the prevailing principle of morality is restraining people to act within their clusters, which makes them morally sound. So, are people free within their clusters? Undoubtedly, no – so what is the need to create a human boundary and again subject them to custodial commands? The answer to this given by the creators of clusters is, to impose the young ones from the time of birth to prioritize the people surrounding [ supporters of human cluster] over the young one itself ‘ Then where and how will the people outside the cluster be recognized, respected and valued? ‘ This narrowing concept of morality has changed the objective behind moral values. Subsequently, every individual having a dissenting or different ideology from that of people of your cluster – Makes you ‘Immoral’! this is not the worst outcome. The destructive criticism raised by people around you to label you as an immoral person; makes you self-doubt the entire thought process you have undergone so far and makes you mentally and emotionally null. It takes you a century to drive yourself, out of all the criticisms put on you and develop faith in yourself. Subsequently, the very efforts taken by a person beyond his willingness to satisfy people around him make them weaker and weaker every single day. So what happens when you put yourself In the zone of excessive ‘Self-Doubt’?
You hide everything that brings you happiness from the people around you.
You fear of any questions raised by people around you about things you do to please you.
This entire procedure of redemption can be shortened when you realize that you would not survived so far, without respecting your thought process. This thought stops you from pushing you into the stage of self–doubt and does a lot of damage control concerning your mental health. I would like to conclude with a statement
“Be a Genie yourself - to you...
To facilitate the world to grant you everything you need".