Photo by Prasanth Inturi: Pexels

Abhijeet Chavda sir says “Science is a subset of Philosophy and Spirituality is a universal set of both”. It means philosophy lies within the scope of spirituality and science is a proven philosophy in observational reality. Hence, science is not a subject of debate, we simply accept the proven facts and study them further. But on the other hand, Philosophies are full of debates. The nature of philosophy is such that we may debate on a single thought for our whole life and won't reach any conclusion. “Sankhya darshan” the ancient Bharatiya philosophy written by enlightened and realized sage “Kapil Muni” is one of the most precise and legitimate philosophies written on the birth of the cosmos and other related possibilities. But the Philosophies are a result of personal, intense inner experiences of an awakened and enlightened being. When such a being shares the divine experiences and defines the source of creation with reference to his/her ordeal, then it becomes philosophy. Thus, philosophy lies within the scope of spirituality.

Sankhya Darshan and it's Basic Theories

The matter is a basic substance of creation. Once, Kapil Muni noted the transcendence of this matter through different stages. By observing life on this planet and cosmic events, he pointed out three common phases through which the matter transcends. Whether it is a life or matter it will pass through these common basic stages of their existence. Those are creation, maintenance and destruction. He further explains that every phase has a certain quality which provides the necessary energies for the process. Suppose, when an artist is engaged in completing his masterpiece, he seems intensely involved and devoted towards his art. Such an artist never gets distracted. He won't speak a word unless he finishes the art. Similarly, in the initial stages when creation undergoes intense activities necessary to create something astonishing, he says that the matter engaged in this activity develops Rajasik qualities. He named it Rajo guna. For example, dwarf stars which are newly born stars, are red in color. Therefore the Rajo guna is represented as a red color.

On the other hand, if a building has to be disposed of after its expiry it is in the phase of demolition which requires immense power and aggression. Similarly, in the universe when a star dies, it explodes by releasing immense power. Without power, we cannot destroy anything. So, he used the word tamo guna or destructive, tamasic qualities. And in case of maintenance, the same material changes its qualities. After the construction of a building is completed it needs to be maintained regularly. Maintenance doesn't require the intensity of creation nor the power of demolition. It can be done easily by using resources. For the life which is in such a phase of maintenance, Kapil muni uses the word Sattva guna or sattvik quality, which is neither intense nor aggressive, it is simply in a state of being.

Further, he explains these concepts and other new concepts such as purusha and Prakriti to explain the origin and beginning of the universe extensively. (Darshan means philosophy)

Humans - A Seed of Universe

Our existence is a consequence of several cosmic events. Due to that, unfortunately, we can never witness the birth of the universe. We cannot conclude whether it expanded out of something, born out of nowhere, or it already existed and has no end. The more we study the universe the more we get entangled. Though it doesn't matter how many theories we make, we cannot prove anyone of it.

Despite all these facts, our eagerness would never allow us to rest. The dark emptiness fascinates us to know about the unthinkable beyond. So, how should we find out the unknown? Maybe for temporary satisfaction. For instance, Let's consider a mango as a simple life in a sense of its complexity. Have you ever tried to find out what's inside the seedling? When the seed coat is removed, there is a gray-coloured nut inside the seed coat. The nut has a cord attached to it which connects the fruit to the branch. Observe the image, now please…don't look at it as a fruit, observe it as a life, doesn't it look like an embryo connected with its mother through the umbilical cord? That little seedling holds a whole 40-foot-tall tree in it. This one seed has a capacity to produce thousands of mangoes every year. Along with water, carbon dioxide, and nutrients, it contains all the data that it needs to grow. The tree unconsciously transfers all the information in the form of memory in it.

The information of whatever the tree has gone through from the moment it was sprouted till it yields fruits is transferred into its seeds. And when the seed is sowed in the soil it will grow. Same way, a developing embryo builds itself according to the genetic data collected from its parents. Parent transfers a part of itself into its offspring. Don't you think that the fruit is the final product of a tree? Fruit cannot be transformed into any other part of the tree. Tree will grow bigger but the process of growth will be completed.

The creation of an intelligent life could have been the ultimate goal of the universe. But life would have perished without the ecosystem. The ecosystem which should've triggered the food chain. For the sake of life, the ecosystem was flourishing on this planet. At the initial stages, throbbing life gradually evolved itself through various species and finally evolved into humans. Relatively, the ecosystem is a result of planetary cooling and the balance between sun, moon, and Earth. Earth's magnetic field, the sun's warmth and the moon's gravitational pull are the reasons why the ecosystem flourished on Earth. After all the trials and errors of the universe, everything worked out well and life happened. Our solar system was a success. At the very beginning, the universe could have been like a seed. Which somehow sprouted and gradually grew into a tree. It never explodes suddenly out of a seed, it slowly grows as time passes. It will explode only if it is compressed to a certain limit and kept in a compact space. A tree is a process which completes when it bears fruits. Similarly, the universe couldn't have exploded out, it may have grown and expanded perpetually. Thus, however, as of now, we can say creation is completed as life evolved into humans but its expansion is consecutive.

Black Holes, Galaxies, solar systems, and other cosmic objects are the parts of the universe which are necessary for life to exist. If we consider the universe as a tree, then these cosmic objects could be its different parts such as stems, leaves, flowers, and trunk. But intelligent life must be a fruit of it. Universe is a process which begins from a seed and ends as a seed. That seed of the universe is within us humans. The source of creation resides within humans. We are the seed, we are the source, but unconsciously we are not aware of it. We must experience it now because it has been a long journey. 

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