Put two drops of lukewarm neem oil inside the ear.
Extract 1 teaspoon juice from mango leaves. Slightly warm and use as ear drops when bearably hot.
Heat 2 teaspoons mustard oil. Add 1/2 teaspoon carom(ajwain) seeds and one or two flakes of crushed garlic (lasun). Boil till they turn red. Filter. Use as ear drops.
Heat 1 teaspoon each of garlic (lasun) and carom seeds (ajwain) in 2 tablespoons gingelly oil (til ka til) till they turn red in color. Strain and cool. When cooled to body temperature, put some drops into the ears.
Heat 2 teaspoons mustard oil. Add 1/2 teaspoon carom seeds (ajwain) and one or two flakes of crushed garlic. Boil till they turn red. Filter. Use as ear drops.
Boil well 1 teaspoon lasun (garlic) in 2 tablespoons gingelly oil (til ka til). Cool and filter. Use as ear drop. (2-3 drops).
Mix a few drops of lime juice in 1 tablespoon of gingelly oil (til ka tel). Cool and filter. Use as ear drops (2-3 drops).
Mix a few drops of lime juice in 1 teaspoon lukewarm water. Put 4 drops of this into the ear.
Use neem leaf juice as ear drops.
A lemon a day keeps the cold away. For a bad cold, the juice of two lemons in 1/2 a litre (21/2 cups) of boiling water sweetened with honey, taken at bedtime, is a very effective remedy.
Have ginger (adrak) tea. Cut ginger (adrak) into 1″-11/2 pieces and boil with a cup of water. Give 8-10 boils. Strain, sweeten with 1/2 teaspoon sugar, and drink hot.
A tablespoon of carom seeds(ajwain) crushed and tied up in a muslin cloth can be used for inhalation to relieve congestion/blocked nose.
A similar small bundle placed near the pillow of sleeping children relieves congestion.
A teaspoon of cumin seeds(jeera) is added to glass of boiling water. Strain and simmer for a few minutes. Let it cool. Drink it 1-2 times a day. If a sore throat is also present, add a few small pieces of dry ginger (adrak) to the boiling water.
Six peppercorns (saboot kali mirch) finely ground and mixed with a glass of warm water, sweetened with 5-6 batasha ( a variation of sugar candy) can be taken for a few nights.
In the case of an acute cold in the head, boil 1 tablespoon of pepper powder in a cup of milk along with a pinch of turmeric (haldi) and have it once daily for at least 3 days.
Pack 5-6 cardamoms on burning coal. Quickly inhale the smoke inside to open the blocked nose.
Grind equal quantities of cardamoms, cinnamon, black peppercorns and cumin seeds to a powder. Inhale a little of this powder through your nose and you will start sneezing. This will help you clear congestion.
Drop lemon juice in nostrils.
Use the juice of fresh coriander (dhaniyan) as a nasal drop.
Dip a cotton bud in rose water and dab it onto the inside of your nostrils to stop the bleeding.
So here are the home remedies for diseases of the ears and nose.