Photo by Monstera Production: Pexels

The consciousness of attaining God, the motivation to know oneself is through the mind. Only through the power of the mind can we attain the Lord. Can identify oneself effectively. Its demonstrative form is 'self-experience'. Everyone's experience is different. No one knows for sure where the mind resides in the body. It is only a subtle part of the body, it works with the body. However... it does have an effect on each other. If the body becomes sick. The mind also gets sick. If the body remains healthy, the mind remains healthy. A common man's mind is affected by something or the other during his difficult and happy occasions. Even when he is asleep, thousands of pictures stand before his eyes that attract his attention. That is why he is excited by unbounded emotions. In order to curb such unrestrained feelings, it has become very important to include yoga in school education. No, it has become a necessity for a while. Yoga means union. Yoga is the union of the human mind and God. Sadhana is necessary to awaken mental power. It is not possible to do too much sadhana and penance in student life. But he has to do the sadhana of examination and study. By incorporating yoga into school life, tomorrow's teachers and education will continue to be on the path to salvation. Education is not only in a thoughtful and critical way but....true due to the adoption of the active yoga path The path to self-realization is found.

While incorporating yoga into school education, the teacher should also be a yoga lover. Yoga in school education helps the teacher to study easily and harmoniously for his students. Regular practice of asana and pranayama helps students achieve physical and mental balance. If students have any problems in their studies, they try to solve them very easily.

Because of yoga, they find mathematics a favorite subject. Learning moves from the level of experience to the level of concrete and abstract concepts. It helps them to distinguish between what is good and what is bad. It forces you to think at the level of creativity. The physical and mental powers of students are also awakened. Regular pranayama and meditation for five to ten minutes increase mental composure. Students are not afraid of failing unnecessarily.

Concentration increases. Focusing on a single topic helps in a better understanding of that topic. Memory is awakened. It helps in the overall development of students. It automatically increases self-confidence and self-strength. By working like the mind, the mind gets happiness.

Regular practice of yoga and pranayama helps to improve health. It is always better to do yoga and pranayama than to take medicine for a cold cough and fever. Consistent involvement of yoga in school education leads to holistic and healthy development of students. Therefore, the study-teaching process in education starts to improve.

Barriers to education are automatically removed. For this, it has become very mandatory to appoint trained and full-time yoga teachers in every school, but to be honest, this does not seem to be happening. This is a great tragedy of our education. Few schools have part-time yoga teachers. If we want to improve the future of the teacher and the students, alternatively the future of the country... Yoga education has become the need of the hour in education.

Meditation and mindfulness play an important role in yoga education. This protects the students' own mental balance and health. Practicing yoga helps students achieve a healthy mindset by relieving anxiety. This develops various strengths in education. Yoga education not only improves the physical health of the students. Hence mental health improves automatically. Due to this, the process of education develops automatically.

Today in the age of science, technology, and AI, yoga plays a very important role in school education for the health and well-being of students. New halls of science and technology are starting day by day. This yoga helps students stand on their own feet in this age of competition. And the students develop in various ways such as personal, social, physical, moral, aesthetic, ideological, character, etc.

Due to sedentary posture, students get used to sitting in one place for longer periods of time. A habit of thinking and meditating takes place. It benefits exam and study habits. By sitting in this state, students get used to thinking higher and thinking better. If a teacher is a seeker... he benefits his students. Sure happens.

Being in close proximity to the teacher helps in automatic psychological change in the students. The student switches between internal and external. It helps the student learn the good and bad nuances of real life. His endurance and confidence increase. Over time, the student strives to become a better and wiser citizen with a penchant for yoga education.

What else do you need as a teacher? A civilized and balanced lifestyle can be enjoyed in every student's life, thanks to this yoga. Consistent practice of this yoga automatically improves the mental state, physical health, and social harmony, making every student's future happy and prosperous. So if you want to make life worthwhile in a real sense....It is very important to have yoga in school education.

Only then will our student be self-reliant and self-motivated, make his own decisions, and brighten his own future. Alternatively, it will also brighten the future of the country.

Healthy and sound mind,
Yoga should be like this,
By planting a future plant,
Make a natural living yard.

We want to make such healthy and healthy minds life-giving courtyards by incorporating yoga into school education.

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