The Foundational Literacy and Numeracy is the part of NEP 2020. Its aim is to be achieved by 2025 by each and every school. Its purpose is to get the required knowledge of Literacy and Numeracy by each and every student up to grade 3. It is very important and essential that we achieve the FLN target in our Schools, we are doing the following activities to achieve the FLN target:
We conduct online interaction with Parents of students up to grade 3 every month to update the progress of their ward and to guide them on how they may help their ward prepare for FLN. We also guide them on How to help their wards in the preparation of Videos and other materials for FLN.
We ask the students to prepare Videos by speaking A to Z, reading simple words, and reading simple sentences. In class 3, Students prepare videos of reading Poems or speaking of poems. In Hindi, Students prepare videos of speaking of Hindi Alphabet, simple Hindi words, simple Hindi sentences etc. In class 3, we ask students to read poems in Hindi. In Numeracy, the students prepare their videos of speaking of Numbers, speaking of simple tables and solving easy questions based on easy mathematical operations. The students send their videos in their class WhatsApp group and then teachers hear each and every video to know about the weaknesses or shortcomings or lacunas in the Learning of FLN up to grade.
On the basis of the findings from each and every video of students, the Teachers plan the remedial steps for each and every child to achieve the Target of FLN. We again repeat the same above steps after each remedial step taken by teachers. we repeat the same till we get excellence in FLN by each and every student. We hope that this practice may be helpful in achieving the target of FLN up to grade 3.
Our Teachers use TLM and the playway method for learning Literacy and Numeracy. We have displayed charts of Numbers, Tables, the English alphabet, the Hindi alphabet, fruit names with pictures, vegetable names with pictures, flower names with pictures, body parts of Humans, Animal names Rivers, Maps of India and States etc. We have also done wall painting on the walls of different pictures. All these works as TLM and students learn from these pictures. We have also drawn pictures on floors with paint using numbers and tables so that students may learn while playing.
Our Teachers perform reading and speaking practices in class 1 till the students are able to recognize and speak the English alphabet and simple English words, Hindi Alphabet and simple words and Numbers. After this, they practice the writing of the Hindi and English alphabet, simple words and Numbers. Then they move for simple mathematical addition and subtractions. In classes 2 and 3, They stress on first reading, speaking and then writing. We focus on each and every student individually.
We conduct analysis of the progress of students individually in every month with teachers and decide the remedial steps for each student separately so that we may get the required progress and target of FLN. Regular monitoring of students and teachers is required to get the Result. We also provide the monthly progress report to the parents and update them regularly.
We also conduct training of teachers regularly to make them familiar with FLN and to discuss and update about the Techniques of Teaching of students up to grade 3. It helps the Teachers make plans for FLN.
I was conducting the FLN workshops at the cluster level to update Teachers about FLN and to share their Best practices in Workshops. This Practice was helpful for teachers to know the best practices of teaching and assessments of students in achieving FLN targets.
I also conduct online and offline painting, slogan writing and video-making competitions every month for students up to grade 3. These competitions also improve the performance of students. I have observed that students try to participate in such competitions and participation of students engages them in learning as well as their reading and writing.
I am of the view that our continuous efforts with the students improve their performance. Our students are doing better with these practices. These are the best practices adopted by us to achieve FLN Targets.