Image by Chris LeBoutillier from Pixabay

Our Environment is deteriorating continuously. Our Global Temperature is rising day by day. Our Pollution is also growing day by day. Deforestation is also increasing due to development and also due to the need for Paper for our day-to-day work. Govt policies are also helping deforestation throughout the world. Burning of fossil fuels is also a major cause of the worsening of our environment. 

The use of fossil fuels is growing day by day throughout the world. We are receiving new threats for environmental degradation daily. Industrial pollution is also the major cause of pollution on this beautiful planet Earth. The development is increasing the forest of Bricks and cement on earth but at the same time, it is decreasing the green area of the world. 

Our Environmentalists and Scientists are issuing warnings to the world Leaders to take immediate action for controlling it and to stop our actions that are responsible for deterioration of our environment. We have to stop these actions immediately otherwise we all have to face the consequences of these effects in the future. The UN and UNEP have also raised their voice against the happenings that are going on in the area of the environment. 

The world Leaders in the UNEP had also shown their concern in these areas but the efforts taken in these areas are still insufficient. We need specific and concrete actions from world leaders in this regard. A few people and groups are working in this area but we need mass participation and action in this area. We are also receiving threats in the field of Drinking Water. Drinking water is decreasing day by day and the population is growing continuously. We are still in shortage of Drinking water then what will happen in future when we may have a shortage of drinking water? 

We may not survive without water then our survival may be in danger in future. We have to take an immediate action in this regard otherwise we may be late to take action and may face the consequences of it. Another threat for us is the rise of Global temperature. Our scientists predict that by 2050 the average temperature rise may be 1.5 degrees. If it happens then it may melt our glaciers and ice caps. If it happens then the Sea level may rise and several cities near to coastal areas may go to sea. It may cause disasters. Our Rivers may be waterless, and a large public may face the crises of water. We may not get water for Drinking, but we may have no water for Agriculture and Industries. What will happen in that situation and how we may face that crisis? 

It is a point of Thinking and a Point of action for all of us. We all must take an immediate action in this regard. We all must do plantation as much as possible from today itself and must save each drop of water through our actions. We must launch a mass campaign for plantation and to save water for our future. We must stop burning of fossil fuels and must shift towards the clean energy. We all must take all possible actions to reduce global temperature, to decrease pollution, and to save water. 

Why to celebrate world environment day on 5th June, why not to celebrate every day as environment day? I request you all to celebrate this environment day with plantation as much as possible and to take a pledge to save each drop of water for our future.

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