Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

As all we know, healthy well-educated citizens are the main asset of any nation. A better basic education and the availability of good medical facilities play crucial roles in creating powerful citizens for a developed country. Because health is the fundamental component of human capital. Investing in the health of citizens through access to healthcare, nutritious food, clean water, sanitation, and education about healthy lifestyles enhances the overall human capital of a nation. This, in turn, fosters innovation, creativity, and competitiveness on the global stage.

Healthy citizens are more productive in the workforce. They have higher energy levels, reduced absenteeism due to illness, and are generally more capable of contributing effectively to the economy. This productivity is a key driver of economic growth and prosperity. A population with good health tends to incur lower healthcare costs. Preventive measures and healthy lifestyles can help reduce the incidence of chronic diseases and the need for expensive medical interventions. Nations with robust healthcare systems and healthy populations are better equipped to respond to pandemics, natural disasters, and economic downturns. Good health enhances resilience and the ability to bounce back from adversity, ensuring continuity and stability in facing challenges. A healthy lifestyle fosters discipline, resilience, and self-control, all essential for moral development. The importance of good health among citizens cannot be overstated when constructing a developed nation.

Citizens who are healthy experience less pain, suffering, and disability, leading to overall greater well-being and happiness. This contributes to social stability and cohesion within a nation. A population with good health tends to live longer. Good health enables children to regulate emotions, make responsible decisions, and empathize with others.

So, Access to good health should be a basic human right. This fosters social justice, reduces inequality, and promotes inclusivity within society. Thus good health among citizens is paramount in constructing a developed nation. Therefore, investing in healthcare infrastructure, promoting healthy behaviors, and addressing health inequalities are critical components of nation-building efforts.

Today we have many super specialty hospitals eminent doctors and modern fecilities. Though we are fortunate, the poor people can not attain them. The government provides them with medical services which are very inadequate. Even so, recently some changes have been seen in govt services by providing better facilities due to the effective intervention of social media, etc.So, good health should be a basic human right. As we said earlier, good health among citizens is paramount in constructing a developed nation. Therefore, investing in healthcare infrastructure, promoting healthy behaviors, and addressing health inequalities are critical components of nation-building efforts.

But, unfortunately, in contemporary society, the interference of business principles in sectors like health and education has become increasingly prevalent. While efficiency and profitability are often touted as benefits, their ramifications on social life are concerning. This essay explores the negative impact of a business mindset on health in social life, delving into issues such as commodification in this sector, inequality, and the erosion of communal values.

One of the primary drawbacks of applying a business mindset to the health sector is the commodification of essential services. When profit becomes the primary motive, health care is transformed from fundamental rights into market commodities.

In the health sector, the commercialization of services often leads to profitable treatments over preventive care and public health initiatives. Pharmaceutical companies may focus on developing medications for lucrative conditions rather than addressing widespread health concerns. This leads to a healthcare system that neglects the most vulnerable members of society and perpetuates disparities in health outcomes. The unethical relationship between the doctors and pharmaceutical companies may lead to ill-treatment of the patients and insist on treatment which requires complex technology in modern medicine. Why don't they promote holistic treatment by combining all types of treatments? some treatments that are unavailable in allopathy are seen in other modes of treatment like homeopathy and Ayurveda etc and vice versa.

When these treatments are used combined, aren't there any chances for patients to benefit? Eg, let us take dialysis patients,it is said that it is always not a permanent remedy. Why not recommend other treatments before getting worse and leading to transplantation or some other complex methods like dialysis? This is just a common man's suspicion.Its potentials need to be studied. Some are eager for this kind of treatment even for poor patients and support them in gathering financial assistance. considering the patient's background also, the possibility of a holistic treatment is to be examined. Modern treatment is not a watertight compartment. We must utilize all the technologies in modern medicine to find out the disease and check if we can adopt simple methods for healing in other forms of treatment.

Nowadays it is seen that almost all people are under the grip of lifestyle deceased. How did it happen? When one medicine is used for any disease it may become harmful for any other illness. Continuous medication is needed for almost all diseases like sugar pressure, cardiac problems, etc. Medication has become our habit today.Is there any permanent solution for this? Here lies the importance of holistic treatment of different forms.

The number of hospitals is increasing daily which means we are 'creating' the situation and we are benefitting that situation by creating job opportunities. They are promoting medical education for their benefit and students are craving to become doctors. Does anybody think they are all eager to do social work to serve the patient? Then why do they show reluctance to go for rural service? Their main attraction may be their high earnings and the so-called social status generated by our society. Otherwise how many other opportunities are there before them to serve the society if they desire? The health department has become one of the most profitable business areas. We made the situation so. It can be seen that most of the organizations start schools and hospitals for their charitable work. Then why do they receive donations for admission and appointments in their institutions? We have to think about all these and those who say that these education and health sectors are under the grip of commercialization can not be said as wrong.

In conclusion, it may be said that the negative impact of a business mindset in the health sector on social life is profound and far-reaching. The devaluation seen among the youth and the widespread lifestyle diseases are some of the major issues prevailing here due to the marketization of this section which need our attention and rectification. We must maintain the health sector as purely a service sector by saving the people from the magical circle of a hollow sense of pride. Can we imagine what will happen to us, if all the agriculturalists go on strike as long as any substitute for our hunger is not available in the market? All professions are important. Our approach to medical education also needs to change, then only the corruption and illegal activities in this field can be reduced.

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