Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

You are the sunshine, you are the moonlight
You are the only thing I wish to gaze at.
Your smile, your touch,
Are the only things I crave for in this world.
Nothing matters with you at my side
For I know, I am pampered, loved and cared.
I am sure you are unique, I am sure you are what I want.
Lying beside you, inhaling your beauty
Your faith, your trust is the walls of my world.
You intimidate me, but I don't care;
Because last of all you are my love...
Friendship long gone, I never realized
As the cupid seized us both...
Then suddenly night finds its way out
Darkening our soles, our solace.
Haunting me with your memories,
Sweet turns bitter
Days passes by, night snaps down...
My inner goddess glaring at me with all her fury,
"You have lost him, he is no more yours"
Says my heart...
Longing for your kisses, longing for your touch,
Longing for your heart which is no more mine.
I lay at my couch,
Staring at the hollow atmosphere, hearing my own heartbeats,
My appetite gone, my senses are numb,
My heart swells with tears.,
On realising that you are gone forever.
Memories of happy times, spend with you along the beaches
Flashes in my mind...
Gazing out of the window, as I see the moon smiling down at me warmly
I doze off to sleep...
Only to wake up, welcoming a new, bright morning
I go to work with a possibility to meet you again...

.    .    .
