Photo by Jacqueline Munguía on Unsplash

When we think about the term ‘hero’, a positive vibe invariably prevails in our minds. Likewise, if we think about the term ‘villain’, again an inexplicable feeling begins to envelop us. Do those terms contain such concealed power to overwhelm us or is the feeling itself just imaginary? Even if it gives a ‘positively yes’ response to any of the above-mentioned questions, then arises another intriguing question. It is ‘Who / what created such aura among us?’ This article will answer these questions in a satisfactory manner, for the time being. It is because, we can’t say anything too certain to run down in history for a long time, can we?

If a person is doing something good, we call him a good person. If that same person continues to perform the virtuous act constantly without selfish intent, then society will begin to call him/her a hero. But we have to understand and contemplate one thing here. We do not know whether he or she is completely acting selflessly. But this does not mean that we have to be doubtful about all the generous people around us. We should be aware enough to differentiate between real heroes and those merely posing as such. Another issue arises if we overdo the process of differentiating.

The problem with the overdoing of differentiating people is that we tend to discriminate unknowingly and unintentionally. The acts of discrimination will obviously mark an evident line to separate the people. It breaks the unity that is held together by this people. When we call a person a hero, we can understand that the person has done really something righteous and virtuous. But it does not mean that the others do not perform such noble acts. Everyone does their part well as as they can. The problem here is that everyone’s work is not appreciated equally. This unevenness in appreciating the people’s works tends to sow the seeds of jealousy in the hearts of the people. It is quite natural for human beings to get envious of the things which they don’t possess. It applies to appreciation and recognition also.

The feeling of jealousy is the first step in creating the villain. The ache of longing for a deserving reward or recognition gives the feeling of expectation a complete form. If that expectation is not met at the right time for the right person, then arrives frustration is in the picture. Sadly, it is not what a hard-working sincere, or well-disciplined should obtain as a result. The frustration bursts out into anger one day if this poignant state prolongs for a long period. That ferocious feeling takes the absolute form of a villain.

There is a prime mind-stirring question that aids in the development of the previously mentioned feelings. ‘What did he/she do so great to receive recognition? And where do I lack? I am also doing the same, barely a step behind him/her. But how is that making such a significant difference that I am not even getting recognized?’

These questions make the unrecognized one think profoundly about what that special person did to obtain such recognition. They can’t think about where they are lacking. They will try to blame others, dislike others, and eventually they will hate others. The hatred becomes the second step in the ladder of becoming a villain.

Then they try to convince others that their thought process of hating others is not wrong and flawless. Sometimes they will also try to form a group with the people having the same mentality. They will work hard to get into a powerful place to preach their philosophy of life. Once such people get enough power to influence society, then this world will get to know the real potential of a villain.

Thus, a hero is born; but a villain is made. Also whenever a hero is born in the light, a villain is created, but in the shadows. Here, the light refers to the recognition, affection, love, and whatever a human being deserves to have in an ordinary life; whereas the shadow mentions the unrecognized and unnoticed sector of the broken people.

This issue has a very simple solution to follow. We have to just recognize and appreciate the worthy people, who are giving their best in this society. Even if we want to appreciate someone more than others, it should be happening in a way that will not make others sad or broken inside. For instance, a team leader wants to appreciate his team, as their project got approved by the client. He also knows that his assistant team leader did most of the critical part. But it does not mean that the other team members did not do a task at all. Here, the team leader has to appreciate everyone equally and then he can additionally mention the toil of the assistant team leader. In this way, the others will get to grow a respectful feeling towards that person. They will also get inspired to be more sincere healthy and positive.

At last, we can discuss who is the real hero and the real villain. The answer is no one. Nobody can be a perfect hero or a despised villain. We are equally filled with feelings and emotions, as we are social animals. Lord Rama is still seen and portrayed as the model husband, son, brother, and emperor in Ramayana. He is perceived as the hero of mankind to date, after several centuries. Unlikely, he is the villain of the story from Ravana’s perspective. Lord Rama was never at fault. It was the way that Ravana had been taught. His ignorance and unawareness about the virtuous and disciplined human life had made his life miserable. It is the same case with every villain in all the stories. People are ignorant about certain things, which they should be aware of. Unfortunately, their ignorance leads to such drastic outcomes. They are ignorant about the harmful effects of discrimination, the duties of a human being, knowledge about disciplined life, etc.

Let us move forward with thoughtfulness and responsibility, mindful of our role in shaping a society free from discrimination. Remember, we inhabit this society alongside others, and escape is not an option. We possess the unique opportunity to cultivate an environment characterized by peace, justice, and delight. It is within our power to make this change.

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