Science is unanimously accepted to be a boon to human society. It is the ultimate of human enthusiasm. Moving forward to know the hidden fact behind any happening the scientists search and ultimately explore/discover something. Science has given us knowledge of the Earth, Sun, Moon, Air, and many more that were unknown previously. Speedy communication devices, production devices like machinery, etc. are the gifts of science.
Let us simply recall some important gifts of science that are always useful for us:
Transport system: Aeroplane, train, bus, motorcycle, scooter, etc.
Communication system: mobile phones, computers of different kinds.
Entertainment: Television.
House cooling devices: air conditioner, refrigerator, etc.
Now life cannot be continued without the availability of these substances. Every person has at least one mobile phone, one laptop, a car, and a bike. On the other hand, each family has a television and a refrigerator. Though not in every family the number of air conditioners is gradually increasing.
All these are making life easy and comfortable in the following ways:
The movement from one place to another is now less time and energy-consuming. One can travel thousands of kilometers within a few hours without feeling tired.
One can talk with a person staying far away by using the phone. Even the person can be seen on the screen at his/her place which can compensate for the personal meeting.
Global incidences can be seen as it is on the television screen sitting at home.
One can stay comfortable even when there is intolerable environmental temperature by using an air conditioner.
Different types of essential commodities can be stored for future use in the refrigerator. It is also helpful in the preservation of the substances that become damaged/reduce efficacy (like some medicines, reagents, etc.).
Many other benefits of scientific inventions are also being enjoyed by human society not only personally but also on a social level.
But there are some drawbacks to the gifts of these inventions. For example:
All the media of transportation needs some fuel to burn. This burnt fuel produces harmful, poisonous gases like Carbon -dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, etc., which gives them out into the environment causing pollution of the air. Polluted air enters the human respiratory system and causes many diseases related to the system. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, highway vehicles release about 1.7 billion tons (1.5 billion metric tons) of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each year. (
Telephonic talks serve the purpose but can not draw the affection that should be between each other. Hence proper love and respect can not be established with the help of telephone conversations. Even one cannot know the other properly. On the other hand, excessive use of mobile phones can cause several health hazards like eyestrain, sleep problems, etc.
Individuals utilize the facility of television and spend time in a sedentary state sitting at home to see the news, enjoy the movie, etc. As a result, they become prone to become obese and to develop some diseases.
Working in an artificial cool environment by sitting in a room with an air conditioner facility gradually reduces the tolerance to the natural environment and produces intolerance to hot weather. On the other hand air conditioning units consume a lot of energy creating pollution in the form of greenhouse gas emissions contributing to global warming. (
The availability of vehicles made individuals dependent upon them and the tendency to remain away from walking is gradually increasing. Excessive use of two-wheelers increased the chance of developing spondylitis-like diseases and four-wheelers are increasing the chance of developing obesity and related diseases.
Availability of refrigerators increases the tendency of keeping crude and prepared foods etc. for a long duration which is not a good habit. The use of cold food is gradually increasing the tendency of development of obesity and other diseases like Diabetes Mellitus.
Hence, to remain healthy, and not give responsibility to scientific inventions, steps should be taken at the individual level. Some steps are stated below:
Try to walk when to go a short distance. Walking will keep the body active and also will help to eliminate unwanted substances produced during metabolic activities. It will also facilitate fresh water.
For travel some more distance use bicycle. Cycling gives strength to the lower extremities especially. As to moving, the bicycle does not need fuel so there is no chance of pollution from cycling.
Try to meet the persons, wherever possible personally to maintain cordial relations and understanding. Telephonic contact including video conferencing should be opted only when the distance is far more. The persons at a travelable distance should be tried to visit personally at least once a year.
Sometimes, when the scope is there, try to enjoy theatre on the stage and movies in talkies. It will keep the body and mind active and the chance of development of obesity etc. will reduce. It will specially make the person alert in time maintenance.
Avoid sitting in air-conditioned rooms as far as possible except in the extreme stages. Try to work in the natural environment.
As far as possible try to use freshly collected and prepared food to avoid freezing. Use a refrigerator only to keep medicines and in such situations when temperature maintenance is mandatory.