Photo by Maxime on Unsplash
A virtual platform can be understood as a platform to get gathered in an online platform by using the audio and visual facility to get communication with a group of individuals. For the successful conduction of a virtual program highspeed, uninterrupted internet facility is a must. To conduct such a program there is a need for one person to create a link to share among the expected individuals by clicking which they have to join. The admin has to click the “Allow” button when the request for joining comes. The admin has the capacity and right to “not allow” the request and hence can prevent the entry of unexpected ones to take part. Hence a group is already formed for the purpose and the link is shared in the designated group only.
Previously the utility of virtual platforms was too less and majority of the people were not aware of it. To hold a meeting /seminar/symposium etc. the resource persons and the participants were to meet in one place by spending time and money which was sometimes not possible even for an important/interested person. This, most of the time, affected the quality of the programmes. The organizers had to charge a huge amount as a registration fee which reduced the number of participants.
The dreadful “COVID” made the public bound to remain away from each other. Even the family and relatives were to keep themselves detached from their beloved ones. The people started to keep relations only through mobile phones which were not sufficiently satisfactory to fulfill their need. Especially the groups/forums where there was a need of face to face discussion suffered a lot. The higher officials failed to share complete information with the subordinates, the subordinates faced difficulty in providing their feedback properly, the academics faced a lot in discussing and exchanging their experience and thought for acceptance, approval, and modification, and the teachers faced problems in giving education to the students. To say “COVID” stood as a barrier to the maintenance of relations and coordination in almost all fields.
To meet this crisis the virtual platform was introduced which, especially during the time of crisis proved to be a boon for human society. Now the platform chosen for a program is the “virtual” first. Zoom, Google Meet, etc. are the commonest platform chosen for such purposes.
To conclude it can be said that “VIRTUAL PLATFORM” is facilitating human society a lot in the field of communication. The difficulties in this aspect can be removed with some effort easily. Hence technological upliftment can be considered to be the demand of time. But it is felt necessary to suggest that, from time to time offline meetings of the individuals should be organized to maintain a more close relationship among individuals.