Photo by Jeff Miller on Unsplash

When the end of the night did not seem near,
My pillow soaked all my tears.
The darkness was harrowing
And I was swallowing,
Thoughts of an endless night
That I had to fight without any light.
Hoping for an early morning
While I was mourning
An event in life,
That hurt me enough
that my heart galloped.
As if it was cut with a knife,
To the whole body, pain was supplied.
I was not ready, who was?
I knew a man beyond fatherhood
Who built a beautiful family
In the House of Woods.
On his chest, I would often lay my ear
His breadth and beat I could hear.
Dwelling in the world of his childhood
I was living the best daughterhood.
But not for long, I could hear
Breadth and beat of my dear,
I went through,
The loss I never imagined to bear
But I do under the dark sky
In the silence of the night.
On the runway of my mind
When my thoughts take a flight
Where it gets foggy
I tell them to stay,
Because that is a field
Where we meet and greet.
He is often there to say nothing
But when it is too long,
He hugs and cries as if it was everything.
The night does come to an end
With mornings that bring
The joy of meeting the one.
Days ahead get sorted
While I still wonder in the house of woods,
A daughter lost her father
And her father lost his fatherhood.

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