Photo by Stephan H. on Unsplash
Midnight Thoughts
It's 2 am
and I am sitting on a porch
dreaming of my lost love
which made me a night owl
I drag myself around,
but couldn't forget the sweet moments
Bleeding at night is easier
than bleeding in the morning hours
so now it's 2 am
and I am sitting on a porch
The whole world is sleeping
I am here pretending not to think about you
You are the thought,
which flashes in my mind at midnight hours
It's too hard to erase you from my mind
I try hard to come out of it,
but fail each and every time
Everyday at 2 am you bring meaningless thoughts,
which disturbs my peace of mind
It's hard to sleep
Every night I go through a lot of pain in silence
I murmur silently gazing at the star
I search for you in the sky,
and my eyes fill with tears
and your thoughts keep hitting me hard exactly at 2 am