Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

Life is like a puzzle with pieces that fit
It is a game with twist-and-turn
The pieces are scattered but you may feel lost
But with patience and time
You will find its value
There's a unique piece,
a hidden treasure
When you will find,
you will shine
So don't lose hope
because life is a roller coaster
After dark, comes the light
So, hope for a better tomorrow
Be brave enough to cross the thorns,
and come to the limelight
Patience can bring better days
No matter how hard the challenges you face,
losing faith and patience is not the solution
A person with patience wins the war always
Giving up is never an option,
hold the problem tight,
and fight
to see a bright tomorrow
Avoid negative thoughts,
and start your day with a positive mindset

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