Alejandra Rodriguez, an Argentine 60-year-old beauty rocked the world with her stunning victory at the Miss Universe Buenos Aires Province Beauty Pageant Contest on 24th April 2024, Wednesday.
Beauty, as we have learnt from the ancient history to modern time gossip that is always related to the tender aged girls and never had any 60 years old lady found a place in the discussion. This we could see in different storybooks, epics, and in religious books also. Like that we have seen how the angel looked young Menaka diverted the attention of meditative Rishi Viswamitra and created history in Hindu Religion. Similar types of stories are found with the western Teutonic mythology and also with the western world history. We have noticed a famous Trojan War for the exquisite beauty of young Helen and also saw a very sweet but eventful Hindu religious incident centring the pious beauty of hermit spinster Shakuntala, who became the mother of King Bharata and an important character of the epic Mahabharata. Like this many such tales are there around the world but today's queen, Ms. Alejandra Rodriguez, is not those beauty in the true sense but has written a new paradigm definition regarding all about modern beauty concept.
Generally, after 30 to 35 years, ladies started shying away from the matinee life and also not in demand at society, so, to look them smart and beautiful, most of them take the help of cosmetics for enhancing their sagging glamour and tries to remain in focus but Ms. Rodriguez, as she claimed, that not taken any cosmetic help for to look beauty and to remain in attraction but said that she was always active in her personal life and had a strict discipline in eatery with no compromise to her daily physical work out schedule which probably be her important constituents to look smart and elegant and this elegance with fitness gave her courage to be in the ramp with other 34 cute contestants at Buenos Aires. She had a long desire and having a zeal to participate in the glamour world but could not do so because of various restrictive rules of the Pageant authority. Earlier in Miss Universe Pageant Contest, the participant should have been in the age group of 18 to 28 like that we found in the medieval age May Day Celebration in various parts of Europe where teen girls were selected for maypole dancing and singing which many historians believe has a direct lineage with today's beauty pageant contest. Though officially this May Day Queen Contest cannot be correlated with today's pageant contest but it can be surely claimed that from their functions and rituals, only the modern era embarked on this beauty world.
In those medieval days and also in modern times, Europe celebrates the return of Spring on May 1 as an agricultural ritual. In Beltane, during this time, a Gaelic festival marks the beginning of Summer. Germany celebrates it as Maifeirtag. Finland, Sweden, and England celebrate this May Day Festival with much vigour and fervour and come out of home to enjoy by dancing, and singing with the outdoor picnic event. These all activities are centering the youth and thus giving recognition to the youngsters specially to young budding girls. So, today, keeping those vibrancy in mind this beauty contests are held at different corner of the world, as believed in general.
The medieval festival not only restricted to a smaller part of the continent but the different parts of Europe also performing the festival to their own traditional ways.
In Beltane when Spring arrives the 'May Queen' arises from her Winter Sleep and does battle with Queen of Winter and sending her away for another six months so that earth can be abundant with rich crops.
As the Summer rolls on, the May Queen gives forth her bounty. The earth blossoms and blooms with crops and flowers. When fall time approaches then Winter coming slowly and the May Queen goes to sleep. The trees stand with no leaves, thus, age looms over young and Young no more exist. This might have given a kick to the organiser that if an aged contestant is allowed then the charm for the young beauty might loose and the basic aim of the contest to project the ladies as feminist ideal may jeopardise. So, probably the age restriction was considered. By this time, it was made clear that the beauty competition will be for women only and those ladies will be judged for their attractiveness by a panel of judges. So, they put a restriction for both lower and upper age limit and the prime vibrant age of 18 to 28 was selected for the Miss Universe contest. Similarly, for other pageant contest also age limits were prescribed and this no way exceeded 30 years limit. Due to this age bar restriction, Ms. Rodriguez could not participate in any contest despite her strong desire but without disheartening she kept herself fit and the moment got chance to participate, made history by winning the crown at the age 60.
Young girls were not only the point of attraction in the pageant contest or festival rituals but also found, time and again, in ardent demand for country's historic moment. In US, beautifully dressed girls greeted George Washington, in 1789 at the time of assuming Presidency because there in US, it is always considered the young girls are the symbol of bounty and community ideal.
Not only George Washington was greeted but General Lafayett, also received the similar jubilious reception on his triumphant return from war.
Beauty is an age old phobia and by surfing the documents, it is seen that girls were always sceptic about their look and tried to project them attractive to the other gender and the male community was also had the desire to boast of their companion's attire. As the looking beauty and physical beauty was the main criteria, so, most probably, the prime age was considered for all the pageant tournaments to keep the restriction for both lower and upper age limit with the expectation of putting idealised versions of feminity on a competitive stage.
It was seen on those medieval days that girls had the superstitious belief that on May 1 if they wash their face with the morning dew then their skin would be smooth, radiant and silky. This strange belief, as heard, is still being in practice today at many parts of the European Continent because everyone likes to be always in look good condition and eagers to project herself as a beauty bee in the society but Ms. Rodriguez of Argentina, on other hand, believes in some value added quality rather than only facial beauty, so, she, as claimed, believed in disciplined lifestyle rather to be on cosmetic support and has belief that she can win the title not only for glamour but for her personality, talent and intelligence.
Now, let us analyse that why and from when these contests in modern time began and what was the purpose of it.
Seeing the importance of beauty in the medieval period, the modern people thought to arrange for a contest but it is very difficult to say that when from this contest started in modern time even it is claimed that First Beauty Pageant Contest was 'Belle of the Anna Ball', a traditional Hungarian Contest held in the year 1825 and this contest is still being held in Hungary on every 26th July on Anna's Day which is also incidentally a national event of the country but most probably first ever a contest involving display of faces and figures of girls before judges was held in 1855 by Phone T. Barnum but that contest could not attract much participant because of many conservativeness prevailed that time in the society and thus proved to be a failured attempt.
Though nobody can say with authority about the beginning of such contest even it is widely believed that the Medieval age celebration welcoming Spring on May 1, may be the first to recognise ladies beauty display.
Beauty is very difficult to define. Earlier girls with good faces were considered beautiful. Later good face with good physique girls were termed beauty. After that in the pageant many characters were attributed to consider to be a beauty and to be declared a beauty in the contest the contestant has to satisfy the judges' expectation.
Since earlier days many gossips are in rife about beauty but one very common legend is that once three goddesses, Hera, Aphrodite and Athena were fighting amongst themselves about their beauty and when they could not decide upon who the most beautiful was then Alexandra (Paris), a poor mortal goatherd, was given the responsibility to decide upon but the goatherd, Alexandria (Paris), seeing the beauties of all three goddesses were so confused that facing difficulty to come any conclusion. The goddesses also were aware of their strength so, to get the favour from the judge all three goddesses offered bribes to goatherd man. The judge was very happy with their offer and asked the kind of bribes the goddesses were offering. Came to know that Hera promised to give him kingdom over all men if she had been in his preference.
Athena, the other goddess, committed to bless him with the virtue of 'victorious' in war and Aphrodite, the third beauty came with the proposal to present him the exquisite beauty Helen if the goatherd took her side.
Alexandria was lured and tempted by Helen and accepted Aphrodite's proposal and then the history noticed the Trojan War. So, beauty of girls were always in high demand irrespective of people's societal status.
Today, in modern era no specific day or date have been designated but in the medieval period, it was May 1st, considered as a 'Beauty Day'.
Now, in the world, are numerous beauty contest held specially from different organisations at different parts but amongst those only four beauty contests are considered the most prestigious. They are, Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss Earth and Miss International.
Though the first beauty contest in 1855 did not get success even in 1951, an enthusiast, Eric Morleyn organised a Bikini Contest in UK as a part of Festival of Britain for promotion of Bikini whose success drew the attention of the world and seeing the success of the contest Mr. Morleyn later decided to hold the contest annually with a changed name of 'Miss World Pageant Contest' and now this is now known as the oldest beauty contest in the world.
Though the purpose of the contest was very much successful even the contest faced huge uproar and criticism when the champion Ms. Kerstin "Kiki" Hankansaan from Sweden received the crown wearing Bikini. Many participating countries threatened not to participate again unless the dress code is changed as they considered the bikini girl was not only had the obscenity but had an insult to the woman dignity and even the Pope was also critical about the dress. The organizer from the next edition changed the dress with modest swimwear and the winner to receive the crown wearing that dress. In 1976, the organiser introduced Evening Gown for the winners and in 2013 the participants wore one piece swimsuit wit a traditional local outfit 'Sarong'. So, there was continuous modification of rules but Kerstin "Kiki" Hakansson of Sweden, remain the only winner in Bikini till now.
It was noticed that by this time after getting inspiration from medieval beauties the modern people also organising different beauty contest so, a Pacific Knitting Mill, California based Clothing Company started sponsoring Miss America Beauty Contest from 1926 for the promotion of their products. This contest was running uninterruptedly barring some few years of 'Great Depression' but in 1951, Yolande Betbeze, the winner of Miss America, refused to pose for publicity wearing the swimsuit tailored by the sponsor and since then, Pacific Knitting Mill started a separate pageant and called it Miss Universe Pageant Contest.
Now, this contest is run by United State and Thailand based Miss Universe Organisation with a motto for advocating humanitarian issues and is a voice to affect positive change in the world.
This Philippine's based Miss Earth Contest was first organised by M/S Carousel Products with the ambition of promoting environmental awareness using beauty pageant entertainment industry. United Nations in 2005 became its co host and now implementing its environmental policies through these beauties. It is now a very popular pageant body as its member exceeds even the numbers of Miss Universe organisation.
Miss Universe Contest was holding on Long Beach, California, US, since 1952 and then after few years the organiser shifted the Miss Universe Contest from Long Beach to Miami Beach. After shifting this contest, a Japan based major International Cultural Association organised a new beauty pageant at Long Beach in 1960, called, Miss International Beauty Pageant with an advocacy to achieve a world where women will have with positivity, inner strength and individuality. The pageant had the slogan for correct understanding of Japan in the international community and the realisation of world peace through cheering for all women in the world. This contest was regularly held in Long Beach up to 1967, then shifted to Japan where it was organised from '67 to '70, then again for only on 1971, this contest was held in Long Beach after that it was continuously held in Japan upto 2003 and from 2004 onwards this contest is held either in Japan or in China. It is now in 4th rank beauty contest in the world.
Like this many new rules are framed, many restrictions are lifted and because of these changes, now, the black and mixed colour beauties also can be seen in the ramp with whites which earlier nobody can thought of but the age relaxation was never been considered before 2023 when Miss Universe authority removed the upper age limit thus allowed Ms. Rodriguez of Argentina and Ms. Haidy Cruz of Dominica Republic and many such senior ladies to take part in the contest.
Ms Rodriguez is a journalist lawyer and very active in her personal life. She is from La Plata, a capital city of Buenos Aires Province and keeps herself physically and mentally fit by her strict disciplined life. After getting an opportunity, she appeared in the ramp and won best crown in the Miss Universe Buenos Aires Contest and was made eligible for the next round of selection for the country's representative in the ensuing Miss Universe Contest to be held on 28th September at Mexico. She is now preparing for the Miss Argentina Title which will qualify her as the country's representative in the International arena because the rule in Argentina is that one has to first clear her National Local Subdivision, then to contest at National Level after that, if qualifies, will represent country at International level and so Ms Rodriguez is all set for May 2024 selection with an eye to represent country and determines to defy conventional beauty and challenges societal norms, showcasing confidence, elegance and charm transcend age barriers. To Ms Rodriguez, beauty is supposed to be manifestation of goodness not artifice and thus she is confident to be selected as Miss Argentina.
Already, due to this new rule, one beauty pageant, Haidy Cruz of Dominica Republic qualified for the Miss Universe Contest. She is 47 years old.
As the rules change, it helps to remove racial discrimination similarly it gives the opportunity to the senior-aged women to participate in the beauty pageant and to write definitions in a new way.