Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Introduction and Brief History of Civilisation:

Nobody knows who created earth but the people understood that the super power whoever had created it, was really intelligent and made a very balanced environmental system for all to live on with.

The majestic mountain of the Himalaya, snow capped Alps with the serene white, vast Pacific Ocean, turbulent courageous Atlantic, life chanting meadows, coloured birds, vibrating forests and astonishing Sahara desert are the real beauty that the creator had made for us but we, the people, without understanding the basic science of nature started destroying natural beauty in the name of civilisation.

The people of this planet thinking themselves super intelligent over all other living species and started dominating the world. They engaged themselves to rule over land, air and water, started cutting trees, making tall buildings and roads, burning fossils for cooking and transportation, reducing greens, putting the wild animals alongwith many silent and gentle creature like birds, hares etc in difficulties but do not mind to make many of them even homeless also. They do not have any feeling for this. They do not have feeling of guilt, not having any repentation but enjoy their might. The jungle habitats have to bear all the brunt of these treacherous activities but at one time when the animals are forced to come out of their den to locality for food and then seeing the tigers and elephants amongst them the people started shouting and realised the necessity of deep forest, stressing for afforestation, discourage deforestation and show interest for green preservation.

Man since from early days of stepping into civilisation started tearing into trees for covering his private parts. They were making weapons like bows, arrows, wooden spears and many others to fight with the wild animal from the different parts of trees thus were destroying the bush. Then with the invention of fire they started speeding up their civilisation, learnt to take the roasted flesh which they used to take earlier raw and also used to preparing cooked food. For burning flesh and making food they started cutting trees and its branches. Stems, leaves were used as fuel and thus destruction of greens speeded up. The knowledge of fire is a boon for the mankind but this fire became a prime cause of disturbing nature's balance also.

The people from the primitive age to modern industrialisation era engaged in cutting and felling trees indiscriminately for their firewood. Not only for firewood but with the civilisation, the modern people started using wood for making their house structure, doors, windows and furnitures also. For transportation on roads and water they use wood for making Bullock Carts, Boats, Ships, and even the musical instruments also being made by woods and bamboos, thus day by day the forest area became depleted but the people then had no idea for green preservation thus never paid any attention to replenish the forest by sowing seeds and rearing saplings. This ignorance and selfish attitude of human being is one of the main reason for changing the original look of the nature.

With the knowledge gaining man learnt that oxygen is necessary for respiration and this oxygen is limited in the atmosphere. The creator has made a beautiful arrangement to maintain the oxygen level almost constant by creating vast green in the form of forest because both animal kingdom and plant kingdom take oxygen from atmosphere and exhale carbon dioxide and this carbon dioxide is again used by green trees during day time for photosynthesis and release oxygen which maintains oxygen level in the atmosphere constant, so, plants and trees are considered as oxygen generators also but these men, in today's time, knowing all these also, continuously murdering greens for their palaces, cities and towns and creating imbalance and causing environment pollution.

Not only the respiration system increases carbon dioxide but the burning of coal for making food and electricity are a major contributor to air pollution. Petroleum burning for transport and kerosene for cooking also increasing carbon dioxide considerably and all these burnt gases are not getting converted to oxygen because of less number of trees availablity, thus day by day the atmosphere getting polluted and different kind of diseases like Asthama and Pulmonary diseases are increasing.

Another major threat to civilisation found that for the lesser green area earth's temperature goes on increasing and making many changes in the environment including climate. The earth, so far receiving heat energy only from sun directly. This heat reaches through radiation which means that without the help of any carrier this heat comes straight to earth and makes the soil hot and the reflected heatwave from soil keeps the atmosphere warm, making suitable for man, animal and plant to live comfortably but here again the creator for protecting earth from extreme cold provided a layer of Green House Gas in the uppermost part of atmosphere which do not allow the heat to disappear in the space. This Green House Gas mainly consists of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Ozone, Nitrous Oxide, Water Vapour and Fluorinated Gas. If this heat is allowed to go into space then earth's temperature would go to such a low level where no life can sustain but nowadays the civilised people for their own interest and for industrial development burn coal for cooking and electricity generation, producing heat, carbon dioxide, methane etc. This heat started revolving between earth surface to green house layer and as the heat energy cannot be escaped, so, it raises the earth temperature. Moreover the gases produced by coal burning will add to the green house gases and the layer is further densed. Similarly burning of petroleum, kerosene also contributing to green house and heat. As due to deforestation the number of trees and plants reducing considerably so, the generation of oxygen by photosynthesis also reduced and the heat generated revolving around the earth increases temperature and that increased temperature making the ice of Himalaya, Alps etc. snow peaked mountain to melt and this ice melting increases the water level of rivers, rivulets and causing unprecedented flood and this spate of flood observed in recent time in many places of world including India also.

Again the generated heat trapped by densed green house gases causes the raise of earth's temperature and due to this water from the water body like ocean, sea, river, rivulet will be vapourised and will go up to the upper atmosphere and this strong and sudden air current moving upwards causing an unwanted vacuum and invites the gushing air from high pressure zone with hurricane speed making catastrophic damage to the properties, lives and crops.

Now not only earth is getting hot day by day but the climates also becoming unpredictable and lives becoming complicated. Man for these reasons are pushed behind the wall and deeply started thinking to find out the possible remedies and trying to control weather and climate.

What is weather?

Weather is defined as day to day condition of the surrounding that is whether it is shinny or cloudy, whether humid or dry, whether it is biting cold or chilled morning etc. So, one can say about weather of the day looking at sky but for climate one needs to study the statistics for a longer period.

What is climate?

A climate is defined as the average weather conditions of a particular region over a period of time which includes the quantity and quality of wind pressure, quantity and quality of solar energy received, quantity of external source of heat energy present, location of the land that is whether in polar region or at away, water content in the vapour and the changes noticed in temperature, rainfall and wind pattern. This climatic condition is useful for man to decide upon their ways of life style management such as, what type of measures to be taken to reduce the carbon emission, what type of food to produce and how the cultivation to be designed etc.

Now, due to these pollution, the climate has been considerably changed, some area getting more rainfall whereas some areas remain dry. Movement of clouds also became unpredictable because earlier the clouds were formed over a water body and then that cloud was moving from one place to other and shedding over a dry area but now has been found that the water vapour rises at the upper atmosphere in such a big quantity that moving of air current in rapid speed paves the way for the hurricane wind along with torrential rain and disturbed the eco system.

Earlier one could predict the season summer, winter perfectly and could make their crops growing and cultivation accordingly but nowadays due to pollution the seasons cannot be predicted in advance. The climate is changing.

The scientists and the environment loving people continuously thriving for development to combat the imminent problem and for this the meteorologist invented 'cloud seeding' procedure to create artificial raining over a dry area.

What is 'cloud seeding'?

It is a method by which the downpour can be made with addition of some hygroscopic compound into the cloud where around that compound droplets of concentration increases and causes raining and forming snow flakes . By this method, in many areas artificial raining made and on some mountain top layers of ice also replenished which got melted due to warm weather.

How this 'cloud seeding' done?

In a cloud that carries little amount of vapour is selected for raining where mainly Silver Iodide is injected which helps to increase the rate of condensation and the heavy droplets are formed around that salt and the droplets when becomes heavy then it sheds over the designated area but sometimes it happened the estimate for the quantity of rainfall could not be calculated accurately which pose some problem as it has been found in Dubai recently where these rains caused havoc and all roads, locality even the tarmac of the airport seemed to be ocean. But the climatologists refuted the argument of 'cloud seeding' and pinned the heavy downpour for the cause of global warming. Whatever may be the reason for Dubai downpour, the cloud seeding got popularity and the scientists are working for various method of cloud seeding. Many countries are using this 'cloud seeding' technique to supplement their water requirement effectively but even this success 'cloud seeding' attracts the environmentalists for criticism because many of them complained that silver iodide increases air pollution and this cloud also may be disturbing the climate of the neighbouring countries and may violate the international norm. Taking all notes of critics, the meteorologists are continuously experimenting and many countries are taking the benefit of this 'cloud seeding' and addressing water crisis.

UAE is further planning to make artificial mountain to get desired rain for their country because it is found from experience that hill and mountain help to have a good rain as the vapour carrying cloud sheds its condensed water by hitting against the mountain, so, the UAE authority is of the opinion to make artificial mountain for getting desired rainfall.

As the global warming is very disturbing so, the scientists are trying to take measure to control the raising temperature thus apart from 'cloud seeding' and artificial raining, they are trying for alternative medium for cooking, transportation and electricity generation. The battery driven electric vehicles are experimented, hydrogen driven car also tested, similarly for electricity generation many nuclear power plants have been installed and making continuous effort for climate improvement, and trying to reduce carbon emission.

International community together also meeting and trying to formulate norm to combat the situation and after a series of effort first effective protocol could be made in Kyoto in the year 1997 where the main responsibility given to developed countries for reducing emission by an average 5 percent below 1990 level. In this protocol the developing countries including the major emitters China and India were relaxed but in the Paris Agreement at 2015 all the countries have been given the task to reduce emission and to take control measure so that the average temperature rise to be prevented to the most 2℃ (3.6°F) above Pre Industrial Level with an aim to keep it below 1.5℃ (2.7°F).

Since Paris Agreement, the international community time and again holding meetings and monitoring the activities.

Already earth's temperature has risen considerably and if this cannot be controlled effectively then many more disasters like drought, flood, thunderstorm will be noticed. The heatwave may cause a threat to all living beings. So, it is prime necessary to all individual to be alert and adhere to the basic recommended things in the war of Climate Combating. These are in short as:

  • Not to cut trees. if, at all, necessary to cut the trees then definitely a few more sapling to be planted,
  • Deforestation should be totally discouraged,
  • New sapling in the Freeland and at the. bank of the river to be planted,
  • Burning of fossils to be controlled,
  • Generation of green house gases to be minimised,
  • Waste disposal to be done in a scientific way.


Now, with some initiative by the Indian Government, it is seen, tree cutting has been restricted though could not be eliminated completely because of miscreant activities in many densed jungle but people are aware of the ill effect of felling trees and thus many a times it is observed that some voluntary organisations are organising the plant sapling on some special occasions.

Effluent disposals also done scientifically, coal burning for domestic use has been almost controlled though it is still prevailing in some low earning area which also will be controlled in near future,

Many electric vehicles are plying on road and the infrastructure for more to ply are on envil.

Similarly, many measures are being taken in India and all other countries around the world with a strong zeal to reduce pollution.

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